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Saturday 27 July 2024
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July 2013

Magione (PG) - The project MAGIC. Magione General Archive Collective Identity becomes an exhibition: exposed over a hundred large format photos that tell the story of Magione. The exhibition will be open until September 29 at the Tower of Lambardi. The exhibition is the result of a major research work carried out by the ZONE Cultural Crossing, in collaboration with the local tourist and CISA - Centre social initiatives elders of Magione. Have been collected and stored, organizing them by subject, the ...
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Magione (PG) - At the start of the fourteenth edition of the award Vittoria Aganoor Pompilj reserved for letters and correspondence: Award promoted by the Municipality of Magione (PG), first in Italy to have started a course of study on the work done by scholars on the papers, is divided into three sections. For the submission of entries to participate in the second poem in the form of a letter, and the third section, short text on any subject, the deadline is July 31, 2013. In the first are awarded an ...
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Terni (TR) - In July continue to CHAOS summer courses for children aged 4 to 12 years, thanks to the great success of the summer courses organized by the municipality of Terni DIM in collaboration with Indisciplinarte and Kairos in the month of June. Here is the complete program: From Monday 1 to Friday, July 5 children aged 4 to 7 years old can experience the excitement of creating a public garden in the inner courtyard of the CHAOS thanks to THE SECRET GARDEN. After some carefully chosen plants and ...
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Perugia (PG) - For the youngest, 1-6 in July, the POST will be at the green path of Pian di Massiano (area rink) with the SUMMER LAB: workshops and demonstrations to discover the secrets of non-Newtonian fluid that originated the mascot the museum. The event, free participation and free, will be held in the afternoon from 17.00 to 19.30. At SUMMER LAB operators will also participate in other associations of popular science of the territory and national science center that will make children discover what are ...
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Assisi (PG) - From July 1 to 6 show with "Cantemus Domino: course of Gregorian Chant." "The Church acknowledges Gregorian chant as specially suited to the Roman liturgy: therefore in liturgical actions, on equal terms, it should be given pride of place" (SC 116) The three-year course of Gregorian Chant at the Portiuncula, now in its second edition, is sponsored by the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music and dall'AISCGre (International Association Study of Gregorian Chant) and is a ...
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Norcia (PG) - Like every year, July 1 will begin in Norcia the international courses in musical interpretation, have now reached their thirty-first edition. For two months, so until the end of August, the city of St. Benedict will turn into a big laboratory where the sounds become almost a soundtrack to scan the daily life. Great international artists will be the teachers of the courses. Among them the famous Cecilia Gasdia, soprano Verona which is among the most successful international opera singers and ...
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Cascia (PG) - Summer in the Nera Valley will, as always full of festivals and events, but this year to enrich and characterize the summer comes the photographic challenge competitions, a real social contest on the most beautiful images of the Nera Valley, which will begin in July. He calls it "EstateInValnerina" photo contest organized by the Tourist Service Associate of the Nera Valley and will be open to the many web users who follow the body in different channels in place, starting from the ...
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Perugia (PG) - Tuesday, July 2, from 09.30 am, at the Conference Centre of the Chamber of Commerce of Perugia, will host the eleventh edition of the Day of Economy of the Chamber of Commerce of Perugia. The day will be devoted to the analysis of the structural characteristics and the economic development of the province, with particular reference to the theme of Youth and Innovation. The discussion will therefore perugine the propensity of firms to invest in innovation and emphasis will be given to the ...
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Perugia (PG) - Tuesday, July 2 at 16:30 at HELLO engines in Manna will be inaugurated by the experimental plant of S. Andrea delle Frate. After the greetings and the ribbon cutting ceremony, there will be a guided tour of the plant and the presentation of the experimental project Scer. Scer The research project of national importance SCER (Development of a new system of conditioning of buildings in urban areas based on renewables) created as part of a contract sponsored by the Ministry for the Environment, ...
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Gubbio (PG) - The Gubbstock Rock Festival, Rock Festival 3 evenings, now in its twentieth edition, totally free admission, will be held this year July 2 to 4 at the Cloister of St. Peter. The celebration of music emerging youth is promoted in the program of events organized under the auspices of the City of Gubbio, ASAD operators, volunteers of the Civil Service, associations and youth of the area. Various youth music groups will perform music lovers rock, metal, blues, funk and other musical detours. The ...
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