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Sunday 08 September 2024
Italiano English


Opening prototype project Scer

Perugia (PG) - Tuesday, July 2 at 16:30 at HELLO engines in Manna will be inaugurated by the experimental plant of S. Andrea delle Frate. After the greetings and the ribbon cutting ceremony, there will be a guided tour of the plant and the presentation of the experimental project Scer.

Scer The research project of national importance SCER (Development of a new system of conditioning of buildings in urban areas based on renewables) created as part of a contract sponsored by the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea consists in the development, implementation and monitoring of prototype air-conditioning systems in commercial / industrial / industrial Sant'Andrea delle Frate, one of the most important entrepreneurial poles of Perugia and Umbria, where there are particularly energy-intensive activities.
The new facilities proposed are based entirely on renewable energy sources and are able to make energy autonomous buildings that house them.

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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