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Sunday 08 December 2024
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October 2014

Marsciano (PG) - Taiji-Qigong is an ancient Chinese art that allows you to cultivate the body, improves and develops muscle tone, improves posture and keeps the pain, opens the meridians. The proposed meetings are focused on the primary objective of harmonizing body, breath and mind. The Qigong is an exercise FOR ALL DERUTA c / o Centre Fisiokinesiterapico Milva Ficola - FRIDAY 'October 3 Tuesdays at 20.00 and Friday at 20.00 MARSCIANO c / o the Sports Hall of Marsciano room Kung ...
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Amelia (TR) - S. FRANCESCO Saturday, October 4, 2014 celebrate together, for the third consecutive year, St. Francis at the Convent of the Capuchins in Amelia, as always, guests of Father Alberto Bordellini, guardian of the Convent. Slowly the years pass the event becoming more and more resonance, as demonstrated by the increase in requests for participation that are being addressed. Will be attending the parishes of: Avigliano Umbro, Acquasparta, Montecastrilli, Castel Aquila, Collicello, Frattuccia, ...
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Nocera Umbra (PG) - The ascent of Monte Pennino, scheduled for October 4 and 5, skin changes and becomes a Rally Ronde, opening the competition season of the prestigious Challenge Raceday Ronde Earth. Registration is open until 25 September. September 4, 2014 With the current day, the Eagle's Nest back to talk of his characters. In fact, today opened registrations for the race, which from time trial passes to the rank of Rally Ronde, thus starting the season on the Challenge Raceday Ronde Earth, the hit ...
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Valtopina (PG) - E 'on the website and on youtube preview the route of the United Fund for Peace, an international amateur bicycle race that will take place' in Valtopina October 5 starting from 08 hours to 09 hours of cyclists who have chosen to participate in cycling and enjoying the spectacular scenery and at 09 departure for agonists. To know more 'info on www.granfondodellapace.it and vision on the preview link   http://youtu.be/fCqRKCKsZC4
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Perugia (PG) - Casa Museo Palazzo Sorbello, Piazza Piccinino, 9 - until 31 December FRIENDS OF PAPER Tell the world through picture book for children. Show in the path of visit the Casa Museo Palazzo Sorbello.
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Pietralunga (PG) - FRIDAY 10 SATURDAY 11th and Sunday, October 12 - 19 and October 26 EXHIBITION OF TRUFFLES AND POTATO Truffle fair and white potato Pietralunga, product displays, typical taverns and wine tasting. Organized by the City of Pietralunga for info: 075 9460296
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Terni (TR) - To celebrate the centenary of the Great War will be held at the Diocesan Museum of Terni and capitulate a major conference sponsored by various research institutes in the region and supported by the Ministry of Culture the State Archives of Terni tel. and fax 074459016 e-mail   as-tr@beniculturali.it http://www.asterni.beniculturali.it n the co with ISTESS Institute of Theological Studies and History-Social Centre for Historical Studies of Terni
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Reopening Villa Redeemed Spoleto (PG) - Villa Redeemed is a monument of the sixteenth century of great prestige that is located in the city of Spoleto, in Umbria, a place full of history, wonderful from the point of view of landscape and architecture, for years a reference point for demonstrations and exhibitions of success at international level such as the Festival of Two Worlds. On 12 October this year will be the opening day of the resumption of the activities of this important facility owned by the Province of Perugia. The ...
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Perugia (PG) - Fontemaggiore Teatro Stabile of Innovation presents Mutations theater classes for children, youth, adults The theater is a passion and, you know, the passions are transmitted to others. For some, the theater is also a craft, cultivated with skill and patience. And 'with these conditions and with a long experience that Fontemaggiore, Teatro Stabile of Innovation in Perugia 1963, created the largest range of courses in theater of the city and the region. "Mutation" is the ...
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Assisi (PG) - A festival that enriches and brings in "dialogue." Assisi is preparing the first edition of "ASSISI: PAX MUNDI", an international festival of Sacred Music Franciscan to be held in October, after the feast of St. Francis, at the Assisi Franciscan sites. The event is sponsored and organized by the Franciscan Family in collaboration with the Choir of the Basilica of St. Francis. A non-competitive event in which they can participate in both choral and instrumental groups in any ...
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