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Sunday 09 February 2025
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Amelia (TR) -


Saturday, October 4, 2014 celebrate together, for the third consecutive year, St. Francis at the Convent of the Capuchins in Amelia, as always, guests of Father Alberto Bordellini, guardian of the Convent.

Slowly the years pass the event becoming more and more resonance, as demonstrated by the increase in requests for participation that are being addressed. Will be attending the parishes of: Avigliano Umbro, Acquasparta, Montecastrilli, Castel Aquila, Collicello, Frattuccia, Sambucetole, Foce, Capito, St. Joseph of Leonessa "Zingarini" spots and of course anyone else desired.

Along the way, you will be asked, as always, the Personal Service of the Carabinieri, the VV.UU. and the Red Cross of Avigliano Umbro.

All made possible thanks to the direction of P. Alberto, the active collaboration of the Committee of the Celebrations of St. Eurosia and the Pastoral Council of Sambucetole, as well as the valuable contribution of Pro-loco Collicello, Mouth and Sambucetole, not to mention those who have gave rise to this beautiful evening, Don Pietro Grassi and his parish of Avigliano U.


17.30: Departure on foot, to the Convent, along the path of Light, 2.00 km from the junction of Sambucetole of Madonna mail and newsstand in the old school "front of the house Conocchia" 2.3 Km. Along the way, accompanied by religious, they will stop praying.

We will ask all the inhabitants of the houses along the Strada dei Cappuccini to turn on a small light to witness the passage of pilgrims (There will be a shuttle service for those who do not feel to walk).

18.30: Confessions

19.30: Solemn Mass, celebrated in the open on the square, animated by the Choir of Sambucetole directed by Maestro Adriano Grassi. During the celebration will be inaugurated the statue of St. Francis that the Committee of Celebrations S.Eurosia donate to the Convent

20.30: Dinner Franciscan. (We will share under the plane trees, all that providence in store for us !! Everyone can wear what you want)

For infor .: P.Alberto 339 / 4954183- Roberto Falasca 338/7575135-Avio Proietti S. 335/7360957.  

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Fax: 0744/409716
Mobile: 335/7360957
Email: avioprotiscali.it

[Source: Umbria OnLine]


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