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October 2014

EUROCHOCOLATE 2014 presents MASTERCHOC! WE WILL NOT ... CAKES TO ANYONE! Perugia (PG) - #Masterchoc. #Eurochocolate The theme is vintage but looks ahead. It is no coincidence then that Expo 2015 will be dedicated to some appointments to the tip of the twenty-first edition of the event, in Perugia October 17 to 26 next. "We will not make cakes to none" is the ironic slogan of the event, accompanied by a colorful image of women, inspired by the '50 / '60, with a texture in pastel tones that, in addition to bon ton, reminiscent of chocolates, pralines , cup cake, ...
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7th edition creativity Prize City of Marsciano Marsciano (PG) - Registration is open until October 17, 2014 The Co-operative Wave, in collaboration with the Municipality of Marsciano and the Association for social MAGMA announce the contest Creativity Award City of Marsciano, seventh edition. The competition is one of the actions within the festival Marsciano Art Young, whose tenth edition will be held in Marsciano (PG), starting from November 30, 2014. The Creativity Award City of Marsciano has become a point of convergence of many of the best emerging ...
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NEW THEATRE WORKSHOPS OF SACCO Perugia (PG) - Like every year, Teatro di Sacco devotes significant space to the formation of its activities giving rise to various theatrical workshops and a course of expressive reading that involved both the younger adult learners, therefore, different generations, with over 50 participants. The workshops are an opportunity to share experiences in which students, regardless of their preparation can test their skills and open up to the comparison. Precisely for this training activity becomes an end in ...
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The days of the saffron of Città della Pieve Città della Pieve (PG) - October is the time of flowering of saffron and City à della Pieve is renewed for the seventh year in a row, l 'appointment with the Days of enhancement of saffron. Three days of spotlight on this precious spice, ì Friday 24, Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 October, which will allow you to discover all aspects of production and the fields in which it is used, from the kitchen to the dyeing of fabrics, through the pi ù curious and unpublished. The event will offer à this year 'the ...
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Officinae Art # 7 project on the forms of human creativity Attilio Quintilii Terni (TR) - Attilio Quintilii by Franco Profiles text by Antonella Pesola Terni, Palace Eustachi / workshops Art & Deco Terni, 22-23-24 October 2014 Thursday 23 and Friday, October 24, 2014 Exhibition of work on the premises of the Atelier "Art & Deco" Saturday, October 25, 2014 Setting up the installation WATER FIRE in the lobby of the Palace Eustachi starting from 18.00 Presentation of the catalog "officinaed'arte" # 7 UAK Titian Ribiscini Live Electronics ...
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Perugia (PG) - The sporting event called ChocoMarathon will be held October 26, 2014, in conjunction with Chocolate, Chocolate Festival. The city of Perugia, a crossroads of culture, religion and scenic attractions, could not also have a marathon. Proponents of the organization of this important event is the Company ASD Podistica Corciano and CDP T & RB Group, who are realizing the challenging project together with the help of Bikes point and field technicians. The path of ChocoMarathon through three ...
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