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August 2014

Umbria Rock Festival Massa Martana (PG) - The first edition of Umbria Rock Festival will take place August 1 to 3 in Massa Martana (Pg) with some of the most important artists of the international music scene: Kaiser Chiefs, Paul Weller, The Charlatans, Basement Jaxx, Peter Hook and the Light, James , The Cribs, The Courteeneers. To top it all, a stage surrounded by greenery and a camping area in the frame of the Umbrian countryside Mountains Martan. During the three days of music, nature, fun and fellowship will screen a selection ...
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Baschi (TR) - Folk festivals in the Basque town of Cerreto from August 1 to August 7, 2014 with dozens of different ways to cook the typical cake and other traditional dishes cerretana. Every evening dances with live orchestras. Music evenings with ballroom dancing and area youth with rock music and contemporary art. Live music and dance: 20.30 Info: www.sagradellafocaccia.it e-mail: info@sagradellafocaccia.it Club of the Friends of Cerreto 327.3582997 Cell
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Castel Viscardo (TR) - It 'a food festival that wants to recover the tradition of country cooking. From August 1 to August 3, 2014 the dishes prepared according to authentic recipes stored in the memory of men and women in the country, cooked with fresh ingredients patiently sought, reproduce tastes and values ​​almost lost in the industrial civilization. You can choose from: roast goose, offal, tripe, giblets with macaroni, gnocchi with mutton sauce, cod with chickpeas and bruschetta, dots and vin santo. ...
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Piediluco in Music 2014 Terni (TR) - Also for 2014, the Association organizes MirabilEco a new edition of "Piediluco in music" August 1 to 13. The 'event will include conducting master classes taught by prestigious teachers for different musical instruments from the room. Inside the master class will also be provided for laboratories and opportunities for study. Please register by July 15.
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Aviglianesi August 2014 Avigliano Umbro (TR) - The 'August Aviglianesi will open the first fortnight of August, August 1 to 15, wowing the Summer evenings of all visitors with: musical performances, theater, dancing, sporting events, children's events with the inevitable train through the streets of the country, and the Osteria del Cicchio, the music festival most loved by young people! L 'Osteria del Cicchio festival reggae, folk, ska, popular. Cicchio The dances are endless and so many endless drinking. The Cicchio is ...
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Assisi (PG) - Still a few hours separate us dall'aperura Gate of the Portiuncula which solemnly inaugurated the Day of Pardon of Assisi. It will happen at the hands of Fr. Michael Perry, Minister General of the Friars Minor, during the solemn celebration of the 'Opening of Forgiveness Friday, August 1st, 2014 at 11 am. Also note other events, such as' spirituality Now on Radio Maria, with the prayer of the Holy Rosary Convent broadcast live from the Portiuncula starting at 16:45. After the huge ...
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Creativity Award 2014 City of Marsciano Marsciano (PG) - The Co-operative Wave, in collaboration with the Municipality and the Association of Marsciano MAGMA announce the contest Creativity Award City of Marsciano, seventh edition. The competition is associated with the festival Marsciano Art Young, whose tenth edition will be held in Marsciano (PG), in December 2014. The Creativity Award City of Marsciano has become the point of convergence of many of the best emerging Italian artists, and through his anthology of selected provides a summary of the ...
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34th August Spoletino Spoleto (PG) - From August 2 to 29 opens its doors to the event August Spoletino. Below the 'full program of the event of the 34th August Spoletino organized by the Pro Loco of Spoleto.
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^ XXXIX Festival Manfricolo Avigliano Umbro (TR) - The festival is an appointment not to miss for all the Umbrians who come to enjoy the "manfricoli" Avigliano Umbro, in three varieties Red, White and "Zozzona" gustabili the Tavern open for the occasion 2 to 17 August 2014. For more information: Robert: 3490682511 Julia: 3389656637 Mirko: 3391238707 email: prolocoavigliano@libero.it
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Tuoro sul Trasimeno (PG) - As every year, the District Valromana is pleased to send you the Feast Rionale to the Streets of the historic center of Passignano Sul Trasimeno Menu at 13 € with Appetizer Flaminio: Poker-Crostini Capocollo-tartlet with Cheese -Potato Salad First Bis First Valromana: -Sausage Penne with Zucchini and Saffron -Penne Amatriciana According to Skewers-Sicilians Peperonata of the Wolf Ice cream Water and wine included A follow Concert of the band Scooter https://www.facebook.com/ ...
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