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September 2013

Perugia (PG) - Here are two initiatives for Sunday September 1, 2013, which bear witness to vitality and powers of the CAI section: descent of the Gorge of Hank the Martani Mountains and lifts the Ferrata Sant'Antone on Monte Serra (Pi). --- Mountaineering Youth Group invites children between 8 and 17 years down the gorge of the fun Hank Martani Mountains. Of course, no experience is required, just a desire to have fun and wonder. It should be a reservation at alpinismogiovanile@caiperugia.it within 18 ...
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Umbertide (PG) - The ASD Athletic Umbertide under the patronage of the Municipality of Umbertide of the Province of Perugia and the Umbria Region organizes Sunday 1st September 2013, the 1st Marcialonga Umbertide - The memorial Rudy Dorelli. Running 13.6 km competitive and non-competitive walk of about 4km. Provided for youth competitions. The category students will address the main competitive route. The individual may also register on race day. Dream Runners with chip timing. Path not measured by ...
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Assisi (PG) - It will take place Sunday, September 1, 2013 the Eighth National Day for the protection of Creation promoted by the Italian Bishops Conference, and focused on the theme "The family educates the protection of Creation." There are many parallel initiatives which will be held from August 31 to September 3, between Assisi and Gubbio. Will Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of Ecology and author of the Canticle of the Sun - we might call today a poster of respect and love for nature - ...
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Perugia (PG) - Sunday, September 1 III CAMMINALONGA the Upper Tiber Villa Pitignano FROM A Pretola Following the current of the river on foot and by train between the remains of old mills. Meet at 8.30 am at the Tower of Pretola to catch the train to Ramazzano and from there following the course of the river will return to the starting point. Duration: 2 hours and half walk without the convivial. Registration fee € 15. Reservations required: graziano_vinti@libero.it - ​​349 46 42 484. Convivial at: ...
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Foligno (PG) - The exhibition "Beauty and the Beast and other fairy tales" by Ugo Levita, which will be held in the XXXIV edition of the Festival Baroque Signs Foligno at the Hall of the Palazzo Trinci Sixtus IV, will be inaugurated on Sunday, September 1, 2013 at 17:30. Inspired by the fairy tales of Madame Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont; Performance by Maria Tea Varo, with Maria Chiara Tascini and "Pulcinella" Valerio Apice. The dates and times of performances are: September 1, at ...
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Perugia (PG) - Sunday, August 4 in Piazza Piccinino, from 7.00 to 20.00, round with "Umbria TERRA VIVA". Show monthly market of organic and natural products, handicrafts and eco-friendly. Create your own decoration for the tree with clay! Workshop for children and adults with Felicia. Port recycled material to create original and creative packages in collaboration with the Riciclamiche. Initiative by the Umbria Terra Viva (075.393097 - 327 4727756) For information on market: Association ...
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Perugia (PG) - Sunday, September 1st in the way Canerino (off Corso Garibaldi) - from 9.00 to 20.00 will be held on FLEA MARKET. Spontaneous market for young and old of things used, unused or homemade, organized by the Association Experience the Borgo. Frequency: every first Sunday of the month. Info and reservations stand: tel. 348 2945333 http://viviilborgo.blogspot.com
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Marsciano (PG) - Marsciano Young Art 2013 will go out of there. In fact many are the days that will cheer September Marscianese (1, 6, 7, 8 September) and fill with creativity and art historical center of the Umbrian town. The festival dedicated to the art reaches its ninth edition and is organized as always by the Cooperative Wave in collaboration with the City of Marsciano and other subjects of the vibrant local associations. To act as a prelude to the festival was the City of Marsciano Creativity Award, a ...
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Gubbio (PG) - The pilgrimage in 2013 celebrating the Day of the CEI for the protection of creation: back for the fifth year in "The Path of Francis", the path that September 1 to 3 leading pilgrims in the footsteps of Francis of Assisi. In this sequence of events, Francis walked in fact two parallel paths: the terrestrial, geographically marked, ranging from Assisi to Gubbio, and the spiritual and reconciliation. The bishops of Assisi-Nocera Umbra - Gubbio and Gualdo Tadino, in agreement with ...
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Perugia (PG) - Under Umbrialibri 2013, the nineteenth edition which will take place in Perugia, Palazzo della Penna, 7 to 10 November 2013 and Terni, in CHAOS, November 15 to 17, with the title "the culture that ...", you host the fifth edition of the literary contest "Stories Under the table" for children between 13 and 18 years living in Umbria. The stories should be received by October 6 and will be judged by a panel of experts, who will proceed to fill in the final standings. The best ...
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