Orvieto (TR) -
"DO HOPE TO FLY" - Orvieto Against Cancer - 14th edition. Event of the voluntary OCC - Orvieto Against Cancer, which includes an extensive program of cultural and sporting initiatives and the preparation of information points the Atrium Palace of the Seven and Commerce Square in Orvieto Scalo. Program: September 28, 17.00, Atrium Palace of the Seven - Classical music concert, Maestro Dino Graziani. Afterwards, a meeting on "Innovative services in the field of oncology." ... Read more
Orvieto (TR) -
Return to "The Ottobrata Orvietana", now in its 2nd edition. Running Podistico Amateurs Libertas Group of Orvieto, in the Circuit "Umbria Tour 2013 'and the Circuit of" Marco Sport 2013'. Competitive race (Km 14.6), competitive sprint (4.5 km), non-competitive walk (Km 8.00), youth races up to 10 years. 15.00 - Meeting in Piazza Cahen Info and registration: Libertas Orvieto Group Podistico Amateurs: 340.6734575 Cell e-mail: robyrun.elia @ gmail.com - Cell ... Read more
Orvieto (TR) -
CONSORTIUM OF COMMON WAY OF LIFE and have Orvieto Orvieto With Gusto XIV Edition. Event inspired by the culinary culture of the area, which will be held from 28 September to 6 October 2013. The kitchen Orvieto through the territory. The novelty of "Orvieto con Gusto" in 2013 are numerous and of great prestige. The October edition, thanks to the collaboration of Cittaslow International, will host two regions marvelous: Trentino and Calabria. For Trentino Grumes will be present, the ... Read more
Marsciano (PG) -
EXHIBITION OF CONTEMPORARY FIGURATIVE PAINTING the Museum of Brick and Terracotta in Marsciano the 28.Settembre 18 hours with the works of these painters International 6 Jean Daniel Bouvard Ramzi Ghotbaldin Albert Hadjiganev Lucy MacGillis Roger Savino Philippe Vasseur Read more
Città di Castello (PG) -
"Peace Art" The Art of Andrea Pazienza from 28 September to 20 October 2013. Where the exhibition will be the splendid rooms of the Quadrilateral buffalo Palace in the historic center of the city where they will be exposed over thirty paintings and 250 of sketches, drawings, cartoons and short stories. The inauguration, which will be held Sept. 28 at 17 at the Auditorium of Piazza Gioberti, will be attended by family members of Andrew, Sandro Visca, his professor of the times of the ... Read more
Assisi (PG) -
The Papal Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli is pleased to announce an initiative to honor the Guardian Angels at the Portiuncula, a place dear to the Virgin Mary, St. Francis and St. Clare, but also to celebrate with the many children who every year here are entrusted to the special protection of the Virgin Mary: The date for the 2013 edition of the FESTIVAL OF ANGELS is Saturday, September 28th at 21.15 with S. Rosary and Procession aux flambeaux-animated by children and Sunday, ... Read more
Montone (PG) -
Ram with his small village rich in history and traditions of the Trade Market inaugurates times to rediscover its potential and its excellence. The appointment is for Sunday, September 29, in the Old Town with a new day full of tradition and typical of Montone. The exhibits will begin at 10:00 and will run throughout the day until 19:00 hours in which it is scheduled to close the stands. The categories of crafts planned are: ceramics (majolica from the raku), iron (with the masterpieces of the ... Read more
Perugia (PG) -
On September 29, AISLA, Italian Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association, celebrates the VI National Day on ALS, under the patronage of the President of the Republic and ANCI, the National Association of Italian Municipalities. The day was created to commemorate the sit-ins of the sick in Rome on 18 September 2006 in which they were advanced to the Ministry of Health exact requirements for the defense of care and support to people with ALS. On September 29, AISLA will be present in 120 ... Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Diction course EXPRESSIVE AND READING led by Gianluca Iadecola at the Library Villa Urbani, via Plumes, 19, from 30 September to 9 December 2013. 11 weekly meetings on Monday evenings from 20:30 to 22:30. The first two matches: 30 September and 7 October are free. Reservations: ilrinoceronte@libero.it The word is relationship. The voice is the means by which the word is expressed, with it you can talk, explain, persuade, teach, seduce, in short, allows us to correlate all activities of daily ... Read more
Assisi (PG) -
From September 30 to October 15 at the Sala delle Volte, in the historic center of Assisi, Umbria view from the famous American photojournalist. "Sensational Umbria" is the title Steve McCurry gave the project the Umbria Region for the construction of 100 photographs. The images run through a land "full time", past and present, seen through the eye of a great interpreter of contemporary reality and with an international vision of their work. The project is part of a task of ... Read more