Marsciano (PG) - Marsciano Young Art 2013 will go out of there. In fact many are the days that will cheer September Marscianese (1, 6, 7, 8 September) and fill with creativity and art historical center of the Umbrian town.
The festival dedicated to the art reaches its ninth edition and is organized as always by the Cooperative Wave in collaboration with the City of Marsciano and other subjects of the vibrant local associations. To act as a prelude to the festival was the City of Marsciano Creativity Award, a competition dedicated to figurative art curated by MAGMA. From the selection of 30 works have emerged in 2013, coming from all over Italy and abroad, which will remain on display at the Museum of dynamic brick and terracotta for the entire month of September.
The program Marsciano Young Art 2013, available on the blog of the event and the group Facebook Marscianoartegiovani
Info: / 3939122695