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June 2013

Sigillo (PG) - Sunday, June 9 meeting with the 5th Edition of the sporting event in the Gran Fondo del Monte Cucco Mountain, promoted and organized by the Sports Bike in amateur Cucco. Two routes of varying difficulty, which wind through the Park of Monte Cucco and in the Valley of Chiasco, including natural scenery of incomparable beauty, the event will be accompanied by several side events Info: 3383500308
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Terni (TR) - The cloister bct hosts from Friday, May 24 to June 10 the exhibition Words and images, an exhibition that brings together the work of two projects completed during the year that have in common the relationship between the written word and image: Still book-the book says in one click and the circle of women from the world. Since November 2012 bct fact, thanks to the collaboration with the Museum System - Archeological Park of Carsulae and the Directorate of Social Services, has triggered ...
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Orvieto (TR) - Monday, June 10 to 18 the cultural association organizes ApertaMenteOrvieto at the Hall of the Palace of the Governor of Seven (gc) an interesting initiative in-depth with the well-known journalist Corradino Mineo on the theme of change of information entitled "How does the information between television and web. " The debate will be Corradino Mineo, a leading exponent of the way of journalism, which will help us to understand how the information is changing with respect to the ...
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Montefalco (PG) - From June 10, for the second year, the doors of "Open for holidays", the summer camp organized by the Museum System at the Museum Complex of St. Francis. A factory of talent in which children have the opportunity to follow a creative path based on the discovery and testing of the arts through workshops ludotecnici, walks exploring the city, reading, games for socializing outdoors. All accompanied by warmth, fun and games! The program will be taught by educators System Museum, who ...
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Marsciano (PG) - Open the call for the city of Marsciano Creativity Award, 2013: There's no time until 31 July 2013 to submit applications for participation. The City of Marsciano, in collaboration with the Cooperative Wave and the Association Magma, announces the sixth edition of the town of Marsciano Creativity, initiative within the programming of the ninth edition of the festival Marsciano Art Young, to be held in September 2013, and dedicated the expressive abilities of young artists. As usual, in ...
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Perugia (PG) - Tuesday, 11, 18 and 25 June at the Centre for Contemporary Culture - Palazzo della Penna will be held evenings entitled Audiovisual Aperitif 4 (four). The event, curated by Ricky L and M: ck will be held every Tuesday from 18 to 24. Here are the themes of the different evenings: June 11: # 1 FREQUENCY June 18: # 2 SWINGS June 25: # 3 UNISONO For the occasion, the ticket office will be open until 23. Info 075 5716233 www.comune.perugia.it
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Perugia (PG) - From 12 to 26 June, the Fireplace Room of the Rocca Paolina host the exhibition of paintings by Alfredo Sereni titled "Atmospheres". Biographical notes: Alfredo Sereni was born in Foligno in 1946, where he lives and works. He started painting at a very young age, but the first contacts with the artistic date back to the mid-seventies. The interest in painting, exercise and study from life creates in him a rapidly changing in a fundamental way that characterizes his artistic ...
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Perugia (PG) - From June 12 to 16 the area of ​​the medieval Tower of Pretola will host the Festival of Cinema: 5 days of outdoor screenings and regional cuisine theme. An event cinegastronomica born to recover and reproduce in a strong way the popular size and social cinema. Popular Novel will be the title / theme of the first edition, inspired by the masterpiece of Mario Monicelli: open air cinema (with free admission), meetings with authors, events and regional food theme (menu Sicily, Puglia, Umbria ...
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Orvieto (TR) - Great religious event granted by Pope Benedict XVI on the occasion of the 750th anniversary of the Miracle of Bolsena and the FEAST OF CORPUS CHRISTI - from January 13, 2013 to 16 November 2014. Points of the Jubilee are the Basilica of Orvieto and that of S. Cristina in Bolsena. In Orvieto January 13, 2013 saw the opening of the Holy Door of the Corporal, one of the steps required to obtain the plenary indulgence, until November 16, 2014, the date set for the conclusion of the Jubilee. The ...
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Perugia (PG) - Thursday, June 13 at 18 at the Sala dei Notari in the Palazzo dei Priori, the public meeting will be held From Memory to Hope with Vera Vigevani, founder of the Movement Madres de Plaza de Mayo in Argentina, witness and protagonist of one of the most dramatic moments of the twentieth century and authentic interpreter of the deeper meaning of the word "hope." At the beginning of the meeting will be screened clips documentaries that tell the story of those years. It 'also provided ...
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