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Sunday 08 September 2024
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Words and Pictures

Terni (TR) - The cloister bct hosts from Friday, May 24 to June 10 the exhibition Words and images, an exhibition that brings together the work of two projects completed during the year that have in common the relationship between the written word and image: Still book-the book says in one click and the circle of women from the world.
Since November 2012 bct fact, thanks to the collaboration with the Museum System - Archeological Park of Carsulae and the Directorate of Social Services, has triggered cine-room fonoteca the circle The world of women. The women of the world, with the aim of involving informal meetings in a small group of women, foreign and native, to exchange ideas and experiences and to keep alive the memory of individual extending it through new relationships.
Enhancing the ancient oral storytelling have highlighted the similarities and differences of different cultures and now four women have developed stories in words and pictures of the route taken so far by the Japanese technique of kamishibai - or drama of paper.
The exhibition is open every day according to the opening hours of the library.

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Services Directorate of Cultural and Social bct-library terni
Piazza della Repubblica, 1-05100 Terni
tel. 0744.549.064-531
e-mail: bctcontact@comune.terni.it

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]


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