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February 2014

Cartoons - Entertainment for children Perugia (PG) - Arrives in Perugia at the convention center Capitini Sunday, February 9th the show Theatre "CARTOON SHOW" inspired by the cartoon world and the magical world of soap bubbles where children are actively involved with the characters and where they will be involved in a aspirale of gags and fun and will help in the creation of large soap bubbles up to 3 meters. The show conceived by family Colombaioni clowns descended from one of the oldest circus families. After collaborating with the ...
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Assisi (PG) - Antique Market in Santa Maria degli Angeli Sunday, February 9, 2014. In Piazza Garibaldi from 9.30 to 18. Every 2nd Sunday of the month. www.comune.assisi.pg.it
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MOM DANCE! Perugia (PG) - Course for moms who want to put into play after the birth of their baby. The child may be brought to class, a babysitter will free him in the same room where the mother carries the stretching and toning to the rhythm of music. An opportunity not to be missed to think a little 'to themselves without going to the grandparents! EVERY MONDAY 'AND THURSDAY' from 10.30 to 11.30 Subscribers always open, the first lesson (Trial) Free
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Perugia (PG) - Through a post on the website www.cittadelladomenica.it the direction of the park has announced the launch of the selections for the staff in 2014. We are looking for a variety of shapes: from the more "institutional" (sales agent, sales, marketing ...) to those most in contact with the public (leaders, workers for retail and dining options, operator workshops ...). In these weeks are planned in the park maintenance work, in view of the 2014 season, which starts in March. You can ...
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Perugia (PG) - In Perugia from 24 February to 24 March 2014, the Association "At the Table with Bacchus" organizes exclusive "WINE PASSION" course tasting and food pairing - wine in 6 classes. The course is simple, practical, economical and fun and is OPEN TO ALL, both to fans who come for the first time to the magical world of wine, both those already working in the field of catering, bars, wine bars and agents to trade . The Teaching Program is designed to provide students with the ...
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Perugia (PG) - You have until February 10 to join the Contest labs, workshops on conflict management, organized by TUCEP is funded with support from the European Commission (EC Project Grant 527 385-LLP-1-2012-1-IT-Grundtvig- GMP). The project involves the construction of training workshops for adults aimed at facilitating the expression, management and exploitation of conflicts. Each laboratory will have a duration of 30 hours and will involve a minimum number of 20 participants. "Arguing well with ...
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Perugia (PG) - On the thread of words, a series of meetings sponsored by the Library Villa Urbani and by ACLI of Perugia. What they all have in common is the desire to make known to the city's own culture of origin, presenting it through the work of one or more poets. Monday, February 10, 2014 17:00 Indian Literature, edited by Anthony Xavier Ladis Kumar. Each meeting is devoted to a single foreign culture, the first two have already taken place on Monday afternoon and saw the protagonists before the ...
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Magione (PG) - The invention of solitude will be staged at the Teatro Mengoni Tuesday, February 11, at 21. A few weeks after the unexpected death of his father, Auster is found in the large house of a parent virtual stranger, who abandoned the family for years to retire in solitude stubbornly detached from the world and affections. Thus, discovering a little-known father and absent through ephemeral traces, objects and papers, the protagonist discovers the fragments of a strange existence, which is partly his ...
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Marsciano (PG) - The mysterious disappearance of Mr. W will be at the Concordia Theatre Tuesday, February 11, at 21. Launched by Gianni Boncompagni was a teenager when the transmission is not the Rai, Ambra Angiolini, Silver Ribbon, David di Donatello and Ciak d'oro for the film by Ferzan Ozpetek against Saturn, is now one of the most popular Italian actresses . For the first time alone on stage by the agile voice and irreverent text Benni: any woman, named V, born so acrobatic traces, madly, comically, ...
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Norcia (PG) - Wednesday, February 12th on stage at the Civic: "The Importance of Being Earnest," in Norcia before his national debut. This play by Oscar Wilde will be brought to the scene from the Theatre Quirinius V. Gassman and Teatro Stabile di Calabria, with Geppy Gleijeses, Marianella Bargilli and Lucia Poli. Info and tickets www.comune.norcia.pg.it
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