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February 2014

Marsciano (PG) - Wednesday, February 12, 2014 at the Sala Aldo Capitini - Square Offices, at 20.45, there will be the presentation of the book: "Valentina space" Sonia Montegiove. Admission is free. For more information: City of Marsciano - tel. 075.8747247/41 www.comune.marsciano.pg.it - ​​e-mail: beni.culturali @ comune.marsciano.pg.it.
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Perugia (PG) - Giovanni Vernia back on tour with a brand new show and makes a stop at the Teatro Morley Tuesday, February 12, 2014. Clearly does not lack the passion of the artist or the music that will give rise to many moments of entertainment, in which you will inevitably also involved the audience in the hall. This is also a time dance with his most famous, the clubbers Jonny Groove, which we will see in this show in a completely new and unexpected key. A great production. The Director shall be signed ...
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Perugia (PG) - Bobo Washers live Wednesday, February 12th at BAD KING PUB. Riding the wave of the intense summer tour and a new album "A Famous Local Singer" (Ponderosa Music & Art), acclaimed by critics and audiences, Bobo Washers and his Orchestrino you remit on the road for a series of concerts that will see them protagonists and abroad in 2014. Delightful combination of old classics and new songs, "A Famous Local Singer" sees a change of course towards Bobo scenarios more rhythmic ...
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Terni (TR) - From 12 to 16 February 2014, the event-based chocolate sweetness that will envelop the city. In the days to Valentine's Day, with the 2014 edition Cioccolentino, Terni is transformed into an important meeting place for all fans of sweetness. Every day you can visit the booths set up in the city streets, taste and buy the products confectioners. Multiple ways to participate in the event that excludes no one, children can draw with their hands recipes based on chocolate, the largest ...
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READING WITH HAPPY HOUR: MUSIC, MUSICIANS AND MUSIC INSTRUMENTS OF THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE (1450-1550): THE RENAISSANCE GUITAR Perugia (PG) - Meet friendly atmosphere in which, in a beautiful environment, after an aperitif reinforced (appetizer and main course) from 19.30, the musicologist Stephen A. Graziano (www. stefanograziano.com) will talk about the renaissance guitar, with the aid of written documents (correspondence, diaries and chronic) and iconographic, through hearing and practical demonstrations on the instrument.
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Foligno (PG) - Here and Now will be staged at Politeama Clarices Thursday, February 13, at 21. Valerio Mastandrea returns to tread the boards with this novelty Italian Mattia Torre, multifaceted author of the most interesting and curious at the time, known to the public for the cult series Boris. An accident just happened on a side street in a secluded outskirts of Rome, close to the GRA, completely deserted, with no loops or homes, in the fields, into nothingness. Two powered scooters immediately after the ...
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Todi (PG) - Thursday, 13 Febbario 2014 at the Conference Hall Library Leonj Lorenzo - Complex of San Fortunato, at 16:00 cisarà group Reading on Arab culture. Comparing Opinions on: Travelers dawn of Bahiyyih Nakhjavani - Rizzoli editions. Admission is free. Info: Biblioteca Comunale "Lorenzo Leonj" tel. 0758956710-713 e-mail: biblioteca@comune.todi.pg.it.
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Perugia (PG) - On the occasion of the "Week to Your Heart", organized by the National Foundation of Hospital Cardiologists (ANMCO). Www.amnco.it - ​​Cardiologists Hospital of Perugia, together with the institutions, well-known personalities from the world of sport and entertainment and the associations of patients and volunteers, will be ready to answer questions from citizens who can also bring their personal experiences. Week for Your Heart at Theatre Morley, Thursday, February 13th, 17.00. ...
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Terni (TR) - THE DOGS live Thursday, February 13th at QUEENCY. "Glamour" has come as a bolt from the blue at the end of November, announced just a few days before the release date and through the flyer that revealed to the public the first single from the new album of The Dogs (There is nothing Twee). From then on began a mad rush that still does not seem to want to drop: Dogs have emerged out of nowhere in 2010, with only two songs posted on YouTube, their "surprising debut album" then ...
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Foligno (PG) - From February 13 to 11 May 2014 will take place on the Course of Advanced Ski Mountaineering (SA2), organized and curated by the School Intersectional Umbra G. Vagniluca, with lectures and practical classes. PLEASE NOTE: Applications should be sent only in the period January 20 to February 8, by filling out a form available on the website of the School www.scuolavagniluca.it. The course SA2 is an advanced-level course aimed at people who already have some experience ski mountaineering. ...
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