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Sunday 01 September 2024
Italiano English


March 2013

Orvieto (TR) - On March 17th the industrial area of Fontanelle di Bardano will be hosting the tenth edition of the Fiera Campionaria dell'Agricoltura, with animals and farm machinery for sale, offering visitors and buyers a unique opportunity to personally meet the various farmers operating in the area. From 7am to 8pm.
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Terni (TR) - On March 18th at 10am CNR researcher Michele Colucci will be giving a lecture on population migration at the Istituto per la storia dell'Umbria contemporanea in Piazza IV November 23.
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Foligno (PG) - On March 18th at 9pm the Politeama Clarici will be running Acido Fenico, a ballad for the Camorra boss Mimmo Carunchio to mark the twentieth anniversary of the band Sud Sound System...
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Narni (TR) - On March 19th at 9pm the Teatro Comunale will be running Gin Game, starring Valeria Valeri and Paolo Ferrari. A bittersweet comedy structured around the cardgame Gin, with retired researcher Weller teaching the game to Fonsia, the mature puritanical daughter of a Methodist minister. But behind the explanations Weller hopes to secure his final vindication against all the frustrations and disappointments that he has collected during his existence... Directed by Francesco Macedonio.
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Corciano (PG) - On March 19th at 9pm the Teatro Cucinelli will be hosting the Accademia Hermans ensemble in "Opera II. De Profundis", a collection of 17th and 18th century cantatas and lamentations performed by baritone Mauro Borgioni. Fabio Ciofini on the organ.
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Orvieto (TR) - A series of events have been scheduled in Orvieto for March 19th, to commemorate the city's patron saint, St Joseph. See below for details of the programme in Italian...
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Josef Albers in Show: Spirituality and Penalty Perugia (PG) - Josef Albers on display at the National Gallery of Umbria in Perugia. SPIRITUALITY 'AND PENALTY. The exhibition is open from 20 March to 19 June 2013 daily from 10:30 to 19:30
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Amelia (TR) - On March 20th at 9pm the Teatro Sociale will be running Iancu: un Paese vuol dire, starring Fabrizio Saccomanno directed by Salvatore Tramacere. The deep Italian south seen through the memories of a child...
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Magione (PG) - On March 20th at 9pm the Teatro Mengoni will be running Parkin'Son, starring dancer and choreographer Giulio d'Anna in a performance that tells of his relationship with his father, afflicted by Parkinson's disease...
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Gualdo Tadino (PG) - On March 20th at 9pm the Teatro Don Bosco will be running Il Processo, an adaptation for the stage of the Franz Kafka classic The Trial. Starring Gabriele Giaffreda, Eugenio Nocciolini, Simone Martini, Ciro Masella, Elena Miranda, Giacomo Rosa, Tazio Torrini.
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