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March 2013

Orvieto (TR) - After his resounding success at the Umbria Folk Festival last year, Alessandro Mannarino will be at the Teatro Mancinelli on March 15th with a guitar recital, alongside Alessandro Chimienti, Fausto Mesolella, Tony Canto. At 9pm.
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Perugia (PG) - On March 15th at 8.30pm the Sala dei Notari will be hosting a recital with clarinettist Alessandro Carbonare, double bass player Francesco De Palma and pianist Monaldo Braconi. The programme will include compositions by Parker, Bernstein, Salvia, Garson, Corea and Bennett.
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Assisi (PG) - On March 15th at 9.15pm the Teatro Lyrick will be running PINTURAS Il flamenco racconta Picasso, a show that aims to show the great Andalusian artist in a new light, to the accompaniment of flamenco dancing...
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Orvieto (TR) - On March 16th and 17th the Le Grotta restaurant will be hosting two afternoons devoted to DOP quality provenance denomination San Daniele prosciutto, with tastings of the prized ham accompanied by typical local bread and fine wines from Umbria and Tuscany. Advance booking required, no later than March 12th.
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Expo Elettronica 2013 Bastia Umbra (PG) - On March 16th and 17th the Umbriafirere fairs centre of Bastia will be hosting the 2013 edition of Expo Elettronica, with all the latest in terms of electronics, computers, telephones and even a section devoted to vintage radio sets.
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Spoleto (PG) - With Carla Fracci as the guest of honour of this year's edition, Spoleto's International Dance Week will run from March 17th to 23rd with a densely packed programme of shows, exhibitions, screenings, conferences and workshops.
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Spoleto (PG) - On March 17th the Teatro Nuovo will be running Walter Fontana's Open Day, starring Angela Finocchiaro directed by Ruggero Cara. Two parents coming to grips with their teenage daughter...
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Marsciano (PG) - On March 17th the Museo Dinamico del Laterizio e delle Terracotte has scheduled one of its creative workshops for little ones. Entitled "Sei capace a scrivere", this edition of the workshop will focus on the skill of inscribing pottery.
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Corciano (PG) - On March 17th the monthly edition of the Girasole in Fiera market of local crafts and typical farming produce will run in San Mariano di Corciano.
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San Giustino (PG) - On March 17th the Museo Storico Scientifico del Tabacco, which documents the important role played over the years by the cultivation of tobacco towards a flourishing economy in Umbria, will be hosting a tasting session of typical Umbrian produce combined with a guided narrative of the history of tobacco growing in Umbria. Advance booking required.
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