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Sunday 13 October 2024
Italiano English


March 2013

Trevi (PG) - On March 21st at 9.15pm the Teatro Clitunno will be running Portrait Series - ritratti di danza, a Déjà Donné production in collaboration with Fontemaggiore. Directed and choreographed by Simone Sandroni.
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Terni (TR) - As part of a series of meetings involving 'virtual' tours of various shows running in museums across Italy, on March 21st at 5pm the Biblioteca Comunale of Terni will be dwelling on the Titian exhibition running at the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome from March 5th to June 16th.
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Bevagna (PG) - On March 21st at 9pm the Teatro Torti will be running Romeo e Giulietta, adapted into Italian by Francesco Niccolini from the original Shakespeare tragedy. Starring Lea Barletti, Dario Cadei, Ippolito Chiarello, Angela De Gaetano, Filippo Paolasini, Luca Pastore, Fabio Tinella
regia, Tonio De Nitto.
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Corciano (PG) - From March 21st to 24th Mantignana will be holding its festival devoted to the traditional Umbrian Torta di Pasqua - the Easter cake that comes either sweet or cheese flavoured and which is a much cherished speciality of the region. See below for details of the programme in Italian...
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Trevi (PG) - On March 22nd at 9.15pm the Teatro Clitunno will be running Armando Pirozzi's Soprattutto l'anguria, starring Diego Sepe and Luza Zacchini. The painful yet amusing confessions of contemporary loser...
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Perugia (PG) - On March 22nd the Hermeto Pascoal Septet will be performing at the Auditorium Hotel Giò Jazz, at 9.30pm.
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Perugia (PG) - On March 23rd and 24th the Teatro Morlacchi will be running Non è tutto risolto, starring Franca Valeri and Urbano Barberini. Directed by Giuseppe Marini. In her inimitable style, Franca Valeri has taken on the role of a woman torn between the fondness she has towards her memories and the temptation to confine them to the past...
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Panicale (PG) - On March 22nd at 9pm the Teatro Caporali will be running Tango Querido!, made up of various tango numbers offering a broad panorama of the history of this typically Argentinian dance. With Marcelo Guardiola and Giorgia Marchiori.
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Perugia (PG) - On March 22nd at 6pm the "I Cantori di Perugia" choir conducted by Renato Sabatini will be singing for the Desolata service in the Chiesa Nuova dei Padri Filippini, in Via della Stella. The Desolata service dates back to the 17th century and is a tradition of the San Filippo Neri oratorio friars, who have a particular devotion to the Maria Addolorata.
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Orvieto (TR) - On March 22nd at 9pm the Teatro Mancinelli will be running Dario Vergassola's Sparla con me, a compendium of the most exhilirating moments on the television talk show conducted by Serena Dandini...
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