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Saturday 27 July 2024
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July 2014

Marmore Falls lit up at night, guided tour at night Terni (TR) - There is the lighting of the waterfall and then only lucette Visitor: This is the night to visit Park of the Lower Belvedere. There is also a specialized guide leading groups along the paths 2 and 3 between the gorges and the rapids of the river or near the jump, where the water becomes loud thud. Meet at the info-point of the Lower Belvedere at 20:15 every night, starting at 20:45, at the cost of 6 Euros. Duration: about an hour. The equipment, which fronts lights and helmets, is provided by ...
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The FANTAPASSEGGIATA along the paths of Marmore: animated tours for children Terni (TR) - In the footsteps of Gnefro, the goblin Falls MARMORE. The animators accompany children along the trails of the park. A long time ago the world was different from today. There was the Earth Qua, inhabited by humans and animals, and the earth was there ... (from History of a fairy waterfall, comics for sale at the ticket office). It 's the story of the shepherd in love with the nymph Nera Velino, which - according to legend - comes the waterfall Falls. History represented by the entertainment ...
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MARMORE FALLS IN THE STEPS 100 - SHORT TOUR Terni (TR) - Who has time for a ride in the depth of the cascade Falls, or who is simply interested in a more essential and synthetic, will find stimulating guided tour called "The Waterfall in 100 steps." In 30 minutes, the guide will all the basic information about the history of the waterfall, his training, the naturalistic and industrial ones. Dates: every day times: 11:30, 12:30, 15:30, 16:30 in the following days: 2, 3, 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, July 27 times are: 11:30, 15:30, 16:30 ...
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ANGELIC HARMONY at the Basilica and the Cloister of Santa Maria degli Angeli Assisi (PG) - As sons of St. Francis - who sang his most beautiful prayers, to thank God with singing even for "Sister Death" - from July 1 to August 29, the Friars Minor of the Portiuncula are pleased to encourage moments of listening to music, opening in this regard and the Cloister of the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli to the public who wishes to rejoice, this year, the festival "Angelic Harmonies." Recently ended the Third Course of Gregorian Chant with a concert at the ...
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VISITS WITH THE DIRECTOR, Bosco di San Francesco, Assisi. Assisi (PG) - Every Saturday at 15.30 and Sunday at 11 am, from April to September 2014 VISITS WITH THE DIRECTOR, Bosco di San Francesco, Assisi. In the green of the Forest of Saint Francis in Assisi continues from April to September 2014, an interesting series of "visits with the Director", organized by the FAI - Italian Environmental Fund, to raise awareness and visitors of all ages to enjoy this beautiful example of Italian rural landscape of 64 acres in every Saturday at 15.30 and Sunday at ...
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HEALTHY BODY HEALTHY SUMMER IN THE WOODS. Yoga classes at the Bosco di San Francesco Assisi (PG) - Thursday 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 July 7, 14, 21, 28 August 4, 11, 18 and 25 September, 2014, at 19, continues the series of lectures on the disciplines of Yoga in Complex Benedictine Holy Cross located within the Forest of Saint Francis of Assisi (PG) Well FAI - Italian Environmental Fund. Yoga, through the integration of Body, Mind and Spirit, tends to union between the individual and the universe, between the micro and the macrocosm; evenings of practice within the forest will therefore be a ...
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Giancarlo Ianuario Solaris: Cosmos - The fire of the soul Gubbio (PG) - Under the program of art exhibitions on display Bargello, 2014, opens Thursday, July 3rd at 18.30 the staff of Giancarlo Ianuario Solaris, "Cosmos - The fire of the soul." In addition to the main core of the exhibition at the Palazzo del Bargello, you can also visit an installation at the Diocesan Museum. Both will remain visible, with free admission, during the opening hours of the two museums, until July 27, 2014. For more information: tel. 075 9220339; 075 9220904; 347 7541791; ...
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Orvieto (TR) - Italian first event to celebrate American Independence Day on July 4, with a cineconcerto that weave Italian culture to the American one. The feeling Independence Day and the fundamental principles of the Declaration of Independence are assets to be shared especially in 2014, the year of the Jubilee of communion and brotherhood Orvieto-Bolsena. Program: visit the website www.orvieto4ever.com July 4th, Piazza Duomo - National Concert orchestra with a repertoire of the most famous film scores ...
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Orvieto (TR) - Summer with the Umbrian wine. Every Friday night dinner chefs, restaurants and sommeliers present great dishes and great wines for passionate evenings full of the pleasures of the banquet. TERRACE LIVE music quality meets the culinary excellence. Info and reservations: Tel 0763.393529 347.9125494 ITINERA e-mail: itinera.orvieto @ tiscalinet.it
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In Gualdo Tadino celebrates the ceramic copyright July 4 to 27 Gualdo Tadino (PG) - Muniz, Sassu, Onion, Road and Biancini: a journey through contemporary. In the month of July is celebrated in Gualdo Tadino ceramic author intimately tied together with two projects: the staff "Of Different Nature" at the maestro Riccardo Rocca Flea Muniz, winner in 1990 of the "purchase prize" with the topic "Trophy , "and the retrospective exhibition of ceramics in the Church of St. Francis titled" Franciscan and Peace ", on the occasion of the 60th ...
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