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Saturday 27 July 2024
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In Gualdo Tadino celebrates the ceramic copyright July 4 to 27

Gualdo Tadino (PG) -

Muniz, Sassu, Onion, Road and Biancini: a journey through contemporary.

In the month of July is celebrated in Gualdo Tadino ceramic author intimately tied together with two projects: the staff "Of Different Nature" at the maestro Riccardo Rocca Flea Muniz, winner in 1990 of the "purchase prize" with the topic "Trophy , "and the retrospective exhibition of ceramics in the Church of St. Francis titled" Franciscan and Peace ", on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Pro Tadino, retraces the highlights of the International Exhibition of Ceramics. You can visit the exhibition from 4 July 27.

Both exhibitions will be inaugurated Friday, July 4: "Franciscan Order and Peace" at 16:30 at the Church of St. Francis, "Of Different Nature" by Richard Muniz at 18.00 at the Civic Museum Rocca Flea.

Richard Muniz will present ceramic installations that now characterize his world: from the most well-known cubic austere geometry of the shape to the soft fleshy flowers and fantastic. Born in Rome in 1954, Muniz has a degree in architecture in 1977 and uses the clay as a material for his artistic research. All works shown at the fortress are polychrome ceramic glazed and appear to float suspended between the natural space of the large garden and rigorous internal imposing castle. "Bright colors," says Catia Monacelli, curator of the exhibition and director of the Museum, "which tell a universe dreamed, hoped, wished: a secret garden in which reality and imagination mingle." "Franciscans and Peace" is a cultural event that falls on the 60th anniversary of the birth of the Pro Tadino, which has shaped its history for the event "The International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art".

One of the peculiarities of the show was the theme contest that hapermesso to present to professionals and enthusiasts arteper a long period of time, the experiences of pioneering and innovative techniques of the greatest exponents of ceramic art, both Italian and foreign.

From 1959 until 2009 have occurred over six hundred Italian artists and forty-four other nations, with a success that has been growing gradually over the years, reaching a peak of 70 percent of participants.

Due to competition in Gualdo Tadino came the works of the Umbrian Edgardo Sketch and John Dragoon, the Milanese Sassu and Nino Road, Roman Salvatore Meli and Nedda Guidi, of Biancini Angelo Faenza, Leardo League, Carlo Zauli, Goffredo Gaeta, the Florentines In Bibni and Bruno Bagnoli, as well as works of the Czechoslovakian Vlastimil Kvetensk and Otto Eckert, the Finns Viljo Makinnen and Mascitti Lindh, the Chinese Cheng Chi Chang, the British Marian Heyerdahal, Marilyn Smith and many others.

One of the issues of greatest success was legatoalla peace and mysticism of St. Francis Umbrian enough to be the leitmotif of four competitions between 1963 and 1997, which was attended by about three hundred works. For the retrospective have been selected eleven works of the most representative on the theme "Peace and Franciscans."

"This event, which benefited from the support of the Rotary Club and sponsored by the Administration, is a continuation of a commitment that the Tourism Association Pro Tadino," says the President Luciano Meccoli, "has taken with regard to nationality and that is what you get to create a Museum of Contemporary Ceramic Art (MACC), reflecting the artistic and cultural value of Fyvie, known worldwide for being a city of ceramics ".

The organizing secretary is available for more information: 0759142445, info@roccaflea.com.

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]


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