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October 2013

Terni (TR) - The Association Stefano Zavka and the Italian Alpine Club Sec. of Terni "Stefano Zavka" as part of the film festival mountain "Views of Summits 2014 - Sixth Edition", organized the third edition of the competition for video works mountain concerning issues related to the mountain, adventure, exploration. The video works, to be eligible for the competition, they must have a maximum duration of 20 minutes. The selected works will be projected during the day of January 26, ...
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Perugia (PG) - In view of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary, is currently setting up a historical exhibition: in the halls of the historic structure will be exposed Horseshoe memories, memorabilia, photographs and period films. Visitors and fans can help set providing their archival material: You can contact City of Sunday www.cittadelladomenica.it through the website or profile www.facebook.com / cittadelladomenicaufficiale specifying what type of material you want to share. Info ...
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Trevi (PG) - The month of October is the best time to experience the town of Trevi. Throughout the month there are many reasons to choose Trevi: first of all, is the opening of the three taverns (the Castle of Matiggia and the Plan) that bring beautiful places reached by crossing squares, streets, courtyards lit only by torches, which take us back to an ancient atmosphere of great charm and warmth. Are remembered pageants, competitions districts (Terzieri), and a beautiful antique street market (Scenes of ...
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Perugia (PG) - Workshop in Reading Lines to Palazzo Penna, from '1 to 29 October 2013. Every Tuesday from 20:30 to 22: 00. The Workshop is open to all, both absolute beginners to people with previous experience of reading aloud. Workshop Cost: € 50 Registration and annual insurance: € 20 Certificate: those who frequnteranno at least 4 sessions will receive a certificate of participation Info and registration: www.ilrinoceronte.blogspot.com mail: ilrinoceronte@libero.it Mobile: 338.9319895 We ...
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Magione (PG) - From October the new share classes with Maria Grazia Sedini in collaboration with the University of the Third Age (UNITRE) of Magione, aimed at recovering this art now thousands of years. He trained a group of women interested in learning or improve knowledge about the various techniques of "point-to-hand", including: antique stitch, counted thread embroidery which is based on the alternation of full and empty spaces creating designs that can be repeated endlessly on the canvas; ...
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Terni (TR) - From October 2 will start the fourth edition of the digital photography course and culture of the artistic image. The course will last for three months and will take place one evening per week, on Wednesdays, from 21.15 to 23.30 The lessons are designed with discussions and comparisons, are structured according to a well-planned program then open up to readings of photographic shots of professionals and the students themselves. The location of the course is to Coworking in Terni, Corso ...
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Citerna (PG) - He approaches this year the appointment with the Festival of Fried Ciaccia Fighille. The event, as usual, will take place the first Sunday of October and the days immediately preceding (from Thursday 3 to Sunday, October 6). The success of this event, witnessed by its longevity (the 2013 edition will be number 43!), Is due not only to the flavor and the quality of the products that can be tasted in its marriage with events that go beyond the simple side-gastronomic folklore, also now ...
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Perugia (PG) - The CAI Speleological Group will organize Perugia from 3 October to 10 November 2013 the 39th SECTIONAL OF COURSE INTRODUCTION TO POTHOLING. II course aims to present the caving in all its aspects, technical, sports, cultural and natural and consists of 5 theory sessions and 5 outputs practices that do not require any specific preparation. The intention of the organizers encourage the learning of modern techniques of progression in the cave and disseminating scientific knowledge about the ...
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Terni (TR) - This year InCanto Opera will present three works in Terni and Amelia lyrics that combine reissues of the repertoire of the early eighteenth century and 800 with the building of a modern written and staged exclusively for the event. Come to the XXIV edition, this year's event begins on October 3 at the Teatro Sociale di Amelia and ends on October 11 at the Teatro Comunale di Terni Secci, with a program of six shows partly dedicated to OperaScuola. Like every year, in fact, the event includes ...
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Papa Francesco in Assisi for the feast of St. Francis. The official program of the visit detailed Assisi (PG) - A historic moment: the first time a pope named Francis in the City seraphic. Bergoglio Pope will have a busy schedule and meetings in the city of San Francisco for nearly eleven hours. It is estimated that about 300,000 faithful who follow the Pope in Assisi Argentine. Here are the many scheduled appointments. Here is the official statement of the Prefecture of the Papal Household with any program of the day of the Holy Father in Assisi:
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