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Saturday 27 July 2024
Italiano English


September 2012

Allerona (TR) - The 28th edition of the Scarpinata a Monte Rufeno trek into the Monte Rufeno nature reserve also known as the Parco di Villalba has been scheduled to take place from September 28th to 30th. See below for details of the programme in Italian...
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Orvieto (TR) - From September 28th to October 7th the Slow Food quality culinary event Orvieto con Gusto will run in town, offering round table discussions, workshops and a variety of special menus in various restaurants around town. See below for details of the programme in Italian...
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Orvieto (TR) - As part of the evnets scheduled for this year's edition of the European Heritage Days, on September 29th and 30th Orvieto will be holding special openings of the Museo Archeologico Nazionale and the Crocefisso del Tufo burial ground.
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Orvieto (TR) - On September 29th the Luigi Muzi stadium will be hosting the Arcobaleno regional junior athletics finals for both boys and girls.
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Norcia (PG) - This year's edition of the Spasseggiando nell'Autunno pre-1979 vintage car meet of Norcia will take place on September 29th and 30th. Among the event that have been scheduled there will be the Valnerina-Norcia drive followed by a characteristic local lunch and tour of the city.
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San Gemini (TR) - From September 29th to October 14th San Gemini will be holding its Giostra dell'Arme pageant, with knights from the town's various districts competing to win the coveted victory banner. Throughout the event the Taverna dell'Arco and the Taverna Casventum will be serving all kinds of local specialities including picchiarelli and the fabled pizza sotto lo foco.
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Monte Santa Maria Tiberina (PG) - From September 29th to October 7th the Bourbon del Monte castle will be running the exhibition entitled "I Bari a confronto. Il giovane Caravaggio nella casa del Cardinale Francesco Maria del Monte", which will be accompanied by a study conference entitled "Quesiti Caravaggeschi a confronto" on September 29th at 10am.
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Tuoro sul Trasimeno (PG) - On September 29th and 30th Tuoro will be hosting the Fiera degli Itinerari Culturali Europei, showcasing all kinds of cultural itineraries across the whole of Europe.
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Città di Castello (PG) - From September 29th to October 7th the 2012 edition of the Cerbara mock antique furniture fair will run in town, showing off a long-standing tradition in the manufacture of mock antique furniture that has been kept alive here since the early 20th century. Organised by SMAI at FAT.
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Avigliano Umbro (TR) - The photographic exhibition entitled "Le Foreste di Ieri e di Oggi" will run from September 29th to October 7th at the Dunarobba plant paleonthology centre, as part of the many events scheduled for this year's edition of the European Heritage Days.
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