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Saturday 27 July 2024
Italiano English


June 2012

Norcia (PG) - Every year between the end of May and the beginning of July the uplands of Castelluccio attract wild flower enthusiasts from all over the world, who come here to admire the magnificent mountain scenery aflame with the thousands of different varieties of wild flowers in bloom. Although the Festa della Fiorita, celebrating this extraordinary natural event at 1300 metres above sea level, takes place on the second Sunday in June, clearly it is impossible to gauge with precision when the apex ...
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Orvieto (TR) - From June 1st to 3rd Via della Cava will be the setting for the traditional Cavajoli in Festa district festivity, with religious processions, dinners and music all held in honour of the Madonna della Cava.
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Città della Pieve (PG) - From June 1st to 3rd the I am Art Festival organised by the Bellatrix cultural association will be bringing a breath of music and art to Città della Pieve. See below for the full programme in Italian... Info: 340 67 99751-338 10 50 120 - iamartfestival@gmail.com, www.iamartfestival.com / Twitter: @iamartfestival / Facebook: i am art festival. Programma VENERDI’ 1 Piazza Unità d’Italia Ore 16.00 - Inaugurazione festival – apertura mostra d’arte ...
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Assisi (PG) - As part of the celebrations to commemorate the 800th anniversary of the consecration of St Claire, until August 11th the Museo della Porziuncola will be running a show devoted to this extraordinary woman, with artworks from various monasteries displayed alongside early accounts of her biographers and more recent writings published by Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II.
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Passignano sul Trasimeno (PG) - The monthly edition of the Passignano Pidocchietto market will take place in the old town centre on June 30th.
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Assisi (PG) - From June 1st to 3rd the AUCC scientific research committee will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of its founding through a number of different events. Over the years AUCC has financed a number of important projects, both in the field of research and in education, aimed largely at equipping those involved with the necessary tools to combat cancer at all levels.
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Città di Castello (PG) - From June 1st to 3rd San Secondo will be holding its festivities to celebrate the Feast of the Madonna del Buon Consiglio.
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Città di Castello (PG) - From June 1st to 3rd the old town centre of Città di Castello will be the setting for this year's edition of “L’Arte è mobile”, showcasing local crafts, painting, photography and offering a broad range of other cultural initiatives. Città di Castello ranks as one of the world's leading centres for the production of mock antique furniture, often artfully assembled using a mix of discarded antique pieces and new wood. This particular industry ...
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Vini nel Mondo Wine Fair in Spoleto Spoleto (PG) - This year's edition of the Vini nel Mondo wine fair will run from June 1st to 3rd, offering both a chance to taste exceptional wines and enjoy a broad range of concerts and other cultural events.
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Todi (PG) - From June 1st to 10th Quadro will be holding its Quadro in Festa 2012 annual fete featuring briscola tournaments, convivial home-cooked dinners, religious celebrations, popular games, dancing and music every night.
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