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Sunday 08 December 2024
Italiano English


February 2012

Panicale (PG) - The Elisir amateur sporting association has scheduled a walk from Panicale to Paciano, Pausillo and Petrarvella for February 26th. Anyone interested in coming along should make sure they arrive punctually by 8.30am in the main square of Panicale.
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Perugia (PG) - From February 26th to March 11th the Sala Book Shop of the Rocca Paolina will be running the exhibition entitled "La donna nel tempo e nello spazio", which focusses on stereotype portrayals of women in contemporary society.
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Perugia (PG) - The Sunday afternoon activities for children and their families in the Sala Cutu have now resumed. On February 26th at 5pm the Teatro di Sacco will be performing in Il Gruffalo, the tale of a resourceful little mouse who discovers that reality can indeed surpass the imagination... Suitable for 5-11 year olds. Sala Cutu, Piazza Giordano Bruno 9.
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Marsciano (PG) - The series of recreational and instructive activities organised by the Museo del Laterizio e delle Terracotte continues on February 26th at 3.30pm with “La pentola sparita”, in which Sherlock Holmes has a difficult case of theft from the museum to crack.
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Corciano (PG) - On February 26th Il Trombettiere, a musical show liberally drawn from the life of Giovanni Martini, who played the trumpet in the regiments of Garibaldi in Italy and then Custer in America, will run in Corciano. The soundtrack features 
Ludovica Manzo, voice; 
Francesco Lento, trumpet; 
Daniele Mencarelli, double bass and the 
Quintetto Kandisky.
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Terni (TR) - The Araba Fenice concert season continues on February 26th at 5.30pm in the Auditorium Gazzoli with Joanna Trzeciak giving a recital focussed on Chopin and the Romantic movement in Poland. Music by Chopin, K. Szimanowski and N. Miaskovsky.
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Perugia (PG) - The POST science museum's series of Sunday afternoon workshops for children continues on February 26th at 4.30pm with "Il piccolo illusionista". Suitable for 3-5 year olds. Advance booking appreciated.
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Perugia (PG) - The POST science museum's Sunday afternoon workshops for children continue on February 26th at 4.30pm with "Occhio all'illusione!". Suitable for 6-11 year olds. Tea will follow, offered courtesy of the Fontana bakery. Advance booking appreciated.
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Orvieto (TR) - On February 26th at 6pm the Teatro Mancinelli will be running Italia, la mia Africa, a production by the Mvula Sungani company starring Emanuela Bianchini and directed by Mvula Sungani. Sungani has also done the choreography of this show that revisits Italian culture highlighting all that it ows to Africa...
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Todi (PG) - On February 27th at 8.30pm in the conference hall of the Lorenzo Leonj town library Isabella Martelli will be conducting the "Inventare storie - Pratica del racconto - Giocare con le parole" meeting aimed at parents. Free admission.
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