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Saturday 27 July 2024
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February 2012

Spoleto (PG) - On February 29th at 5pm the archaeological museum of Spoleto has scheduled a meeting to illustrate a series of interesting finds from the Ancient Umbrian and Sabine civilisations that have been unearthed at a dig near Castellocchio di Eggi.
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Todi (PG) - The Museo Vivo series of lectures on local history continues on February 29th at 4.30pm in the Sala Affrescata of the Museo Pinacoteca with Dr Mirko Menna from the University of Chieti talking on “Il candido fratello. Gabriele D’Annunzio e Annibale Tenneroni. Storia di una amicizia”. Free admission.
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Amelia (TR) - On February 29th at 9pm Le nuvole che passano. Il canto della nostalgia e della migrazione will be running in Amelia, starring Arianna Ancarani, Francesca Capodicasa, eleonora Cecconi, Sara Cencetti, Novella di Nunzio, Valentina Favella, Romina Perni. A tapestry of errant tales from the Balkans set to music that brings back to mind the recent tragedies that have afflicted former Yugoslavia...
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