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Saturday 27 July 2024
Italiano English


June 2011

Amelia (TR) - Amelia (Tr). The L’orto dentro le mura locally grown fruit and vegetable market in the Chiostro Boccarini will take place every week from June 4th to 25th from 8am to 1pm.
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<i>Chiara di Dio</i> Musical in Assisi Assisi (PG) - Assisi (Pg). The Teatro Metastasio runs daily performances of the Chiara di Dio musical based on the life of St Claire, with the season expected to run from June 4th to November 1st. Special times can be arranged for groups.
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Umbertide (PG) - Umbertide (Pg). On June 4th from 2.30pm the Montecastelli sports facilities in Umbertide will be hosting the AIAC Umbria basic trainer course and the AIAC/ST updater course, valid for 1 point in the curriculum assessment. 


Marco Mestripieri

 and Arnaldo Antonelli.
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Foligno (PG) - Foligno (Pg). The high point of the annual calendar of events in Foligno, the Quintana joust and the enormous build-up of festivities surrounding it, celebrating the baroque heydey of the city of Foligno, will run from June 4th to 18th. See below for details of the programme in Italian...
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Montone (PG) - Montone (Pg). Until July 15th the town library of Montone will be running the documentary exhibition entitled "La nostra storia tra righe e pagine".
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Terni (TR) - Cesi (Tr). From June 4th to 18th visitors to Cesi will be able to regale their palates with prosciutto and truffles at the festival organised by the local Pro Loco.
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Foligno (PG) - Foligno (Pg). On June 4th at 11am in the Auditorium San Domenico the Gioventù Musicale di Foligno association will be holding a concert to mark the end of the academic year, with students performing and the assignation of eight music scholarships funded by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Foligno.
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Pietralunga (PG) - Pietralunga (Pg). On June 4th and 5th the I Sapori della Chianina market fair of typical local farming produce, Chianina cattle, farming machinery and farming utensils will take place in Pietralunga, livened up by music and the town's taverns serving Chianina delicacies.
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Todi (PG) - Todi (Pg). On June 5th the Vespa Club Todi has scheduled a national Vespa meet with a tour of the hills around Todi.
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Castiglione del Lago (PG) - Castiglione del Lago (Pg). The fourth edition of the Retropolvese retro running race, valid for qualification in this year's edition of the Retrochellange, will be disputed on the Polvese Island on June 5th.
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