Spoleto (PG) -
Spoleto (Pg). The Eccellenti series of talks and interviews with Spoleto-born professionals who have excelled in their respective fields continues on April 1st with Francesco Corrias speaking on music in Spoleto at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Perugia. From April 1st to 3rd the Sala Cutu will be running Platero, starring Luca Tironzelli and Sandro Lazzeri and directed by Luciano Falcinelli. Music and narrative in a timeless tale...
Sala CUTU, Piazza Giordano Bruno, 9pm. Read more
Terni (TR) -
Terni. On April 1st the Hottanta restaurant will be offering a buffet dinner with entertainment guaranteed by the Pink Floyd tribute band Forget The Sun.
Ristorante Hottanta, Voc. Miranda - Terni (TR). Read more
Orvieto (TR) -
On April 2nd and 3rd Palazzo del Popolo will be hosting the second edition of Orvieto Art & Chocolate, once more offering the public a chance to explore the boundaries between chocolate and art.
Part of the profits from the entire event will be donated to AIRC, Italy's cancer research organisation. Read more
Todi (PG) -
Todi (Pg). From April 2nd to May 1st Palazzo Morelli Fine Art will be devoting a solo show to American artist Jack Sal, who has developed strong ties with Italy and Todi in particular over the past 25 years of his career.
On April 23rd at 5.30pm the arist will be present. Read more
Perugia (PG) -
Perugia. The Letture in Augusta series of readings with musical accompaniments offered by students from the Perugia conservatoire, organised by the town libraries of Perugia in collaboration with Fontemaggiore Teatro Stabile di Innovazione, continues on April 2nd with Marinetti's Manifesto del futurismo. Dottori's La mia pittura umbra futurista, Evola's L'individuo e il divenire del mondo and Majakovsky's La cimice.
At 5pm in the Biblioteca Comunale Augusta, Via delle Prome ... Read more
Baschi (TR) -
Civitella del Lago (Tr). From April 2nd to May 2nd the Salone Pensi will be running the "Combattere la libertà" show of antique prints showing episodes and figures of the Italian Wars of Independence. Read more
Orvieto (TR) -
Orvieto (Tr). From April 2nd to May 2nd Palazzo Soliano will be running the installation by Ambra Laurenzi and Laura Ricci entitled "Dodecapoli - Multiscritture del femminile per un Grand Tour contemporaneo". The work is composed of 56 photographic panels of various cities in Italy and Malta. Read more