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April 2011

International Dance Week in Spoleto Spoleto (PG) - Spoleto (Pg). Now in its 21st edition, the International Dance Week of Spoleto will run from April 2nd to 9th, offering once more prime quality ballet and dance for a growing public that has established this event as one of the most important international dance competitions in the world...
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. From April 2nd to November 1st the Perugia City Tour bus service will be functioning once more, offering visitors a chance to survey the old town centre of Perugia in all its entirety. The complete tour lasts around an hour and runs seven times a day from Piazza Italia, 9.40 - 10.50am - 12.10pm - 1.30pm - 3pm - 4.30pm - 6pm.

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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. From April 2nd to May 1st the Palazzo Arcivescovile will be hosting a show of paintings by Walter Briziarelli, curated by Giuliana Briziarelli and entitled “Il colore, la parola, il canto. Arte e Fede".
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Narni (TR) - Narni (Tr). This year's edition of the prestigious Incontri Musicali Narnesi cycle of three concerts will open on April 2nd with a recital of Chopin by pianist Sergio Marchegiani in the Church of the Madonna del Ponte, followed by the Aïghetta Quartet in Palazzo Eroli on April 17th and ending on May 3rd in the Auditorium San Domenico with Amanda Sandrelli reading for the tango guitar recital given by G. Paolo Bandini and Cesare Chiacchiaretta on the bandoneon. (M.M.) All three ...
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Amici della Musica Concert Season - Fabio Biondi and the Europa Galante Ensemble Perugia (PG) - Perugia (Pg). The Amici della Musica concert season continues on April 2nd at 9pm in the Basilica of San Pietro, with Fabio Biondi and the Europa Galante ensemble playing Bach's Four Suites, BWV 1066-1069.
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Terni (TR) - Terni. From April 2nd to 4th at 9pm the Produzioni Teatrali Paolo Poli-Associazione Culturale will be in Terni in their production of Favole, starring Paolo Poli in a stage adaptation of the fairy tales Italianised by Collodi prior to writing his most famous book - Pinocchio.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. On April 2nd at 10am in the Auditorium Santa Cecilia the Lions International  and the Lions Clubs presidents of various sections around Perugia have scheduled the conference entitled "Quale futuro per le Università di Perugia?". Speakers: Prof. Francesco Bistoni, Rector of the Università degli Studi di Perugia Prof.ssa Stefania Giannini, Rector of the Università per Stranieri Prof. Pierluigi Daddi, Head of the Facoltà di Economia ...
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Monteleone dʼOrvieto (TR) - Monteleone d'Orvieto (Tr). On April 3rd at 5.30pm the Teatro Comunale will be running Molière's Il Malato Immaginario, in a production by the Il Sole di Panicale company, adapted and directed by Virgilio Bianconi.
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Perugia (PG) - Pian di Massiano (Pg). On April 3rd in Piazzale Umbria Jazz there will be a market of local produce, wine, amusement and much more. Organised by COSAP – Consorzio Operatori su Area Pubblica.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. On April 3rd at 11am the Accademia delle Belle Arti "Pietro Vannucci" and the "I solisti dell'Umbria" have scheduled a combined musical and artistic event entitled "E il segno si fece suono". Music by A. Benedetti. Free admission but advance booking is appreciated.
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