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May 2013

Calendimaggio of Assisi, 2 - 3 to 4 May Assisi (PG) - Calendimaggio Purchase Subscription Assisi 2 - 3 to 4 May The National May Day announced the cost of subscriptions and the manner of purchase: Subscriptions central sector B € 80.00 inclusive of booking fee € 5.00 per person Subscriptions sector Side A € 60.00 inclusive of booking fee € 5.00 per person. How to Buy: Body Calendimaggio Banca Popolare di Spoleto - Door Assisi IBAN Bank Account: IT61 F057 0438 2700 0000 0006 444 Code BIC : BPSPIT3S Please send a copy of ...
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TASTE OF THE SEASON Perugia (PG) - TASTE OF THE SEASON PRESS CONFERENCE BAG THEATRE Thursday, April 11, 2013 Perugia TASTE OF THE SEASON Recite the Teatro di Sacco "It 's spring ... Wake up girls, to farms, sir April does rubacuor ... so Silvio Gigli sang the arrival of "the good season," which, with the winds of spring restores strength and energy of nature, infuses in all beings desire to reproduce the stress of life. From this desire, this urgency we started thinking about the projects that look to ...
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Terni (TR) - Thursday, May 16, 2013, 16:00 Terni - Palace of Spring, via Giordano Bruno, 3 Opening of the Exhibition (on display until Sunday 16th June) at the Library, State Archives of Terni and the Palace of Spring   From Waterfall to the Tiber. Pictures, books and business A Follow: Presentation of the book: "The commuter rail between Umbria, Marche and Lazio" (Proceedings of the meeting of 2 March 2012 at the State Archives of Rieti) presents the volume Prof. Stefano De ...
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Creativity Award 2013 City of Marsciano Marsciano (PG) - The City of Marsciano index, along with Magma Association and the Cooperative Wave, the contest prize creativity town of Marsciano, 2013, sixth edition. The competition is free of charge associated with the festival "Young Art Marsciano 2013," ninth edition to be held in September. The notice expires on 31 July 2013. All information, the call for applications and the application form on or http://magma-associazione.blogspot.it www.comune.marsciano.pg.it, ...
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Spoleto (PG) - This year the popular series of personalities of art, culture, science and the economy now in its fourth edition, proposed by the Academy sponsored by the City of Spoleto and Spoleto, Spoleto will feature young, emerging in their profession, or established scholars and university researchers, and personalities of the economy. Eleven meetings scheduled divided into three broad themes as designed since the first edition of 2010: The first issue focuses on prominent personalities of the history ...
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Perugia (PG) - The Galleries of the Knights, by way of the Bride, Rob Smeets organizes, from 25 May to 15 September 2013, an exhibition dedicated to the wonders of trompe l'oeil, artistic expression came into vogue in the nineteenth century. The trompe l'oeil is a painting technique based on the use of natural light and shade and perspective that reproduces reality in such a way that it looks like an illusion of reality, a deception of the eye. Frequent in the Nordic countries during the centuries ...
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Spoleto (PG) - Now in its second edition, the Rendez Vous festival of contemporary dance, drama and music will return to the streets and squares of Spoleto on May 25th and 26th. Open to emerging artists of all ages, the festival aims to offer new talent a chance for some visibility. Anyone interested in applying with their performance project should write to carolemagnini@yahoo.fr.
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Deruta (PG) - Eraldo Chiucchiù with the exhibition "twinning-Ceramic Sculpture", by Marinella Caputo, will be on display at the Regional Museum of Ceramics, Largo San Francesco, from 25 May to 23 June 2013 Opening hours: from Wednesday to Sunday 10:30 to 13:00, 15:00 to 18:00 The exhibition twinning concerning the work of the last three years of the artist from Deruta Eraldo Chiucchiù who wanted to create a cycle of composite sculptures, inspired by the geological phenomenon of twinning. In ...
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Terni (TR) - At the State Archives (exhibition hall of the Palazzo Mazzancolli, via Cavour, 28 - Terni) is open to the public with a documentary section of the exhibition entitled: The channels in the pre-industrial age and the exploitation of the water until the construction of the Channel Nerino. The exhibition, curated by Luigi Di Sano, Aurelia Proietti, Letizia Salvatori and Filippa Trummino, consists in the exposition of documents drawn primarily from the Historical Archives of the City of Terni and ...
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Perugia (PG) - From May 31 to June 9 in Pianello will host the Festival of homemade ham. Every night food stalls, live music, performances of dance schools and food products: all in the name of the local traditions. Dance evenings with various orchestras that play live music and entertainment of various kinds ..
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