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Saturday 27 July 2024
Italiano English


March 2013

Terni (TR) - Frpm March 4th to 6th at 9pm the Teatro Secci will be running La Turnata, starring Nicola Bonazzi and Mario Perrotta, which sheds light on the suffering of many impoverished Italians who emigrated to Switzerland to find work...
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Marsciano (PG) - Now in its twentieth edition, the Premio Nestore sports prize of Marsciano will be awarded on March 4th at the Teatro Comunale della Concordia.
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Orvieto (TR) - The "Lettori in Musica" series of screenings of legendary concerts organised by the Biblioteca Fumi continues on March 6th at 3.30pm with the Herbert von Karajan Memorial Concert. Seiji Ozawa conducts the Berlin Philharmonic in a programme of Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Bach. Advance booking required.
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Perugia (PG) - From March 6th to 10th the Teatro Morlacchi will be running Qui e Ora, starring Valerio Mastrandrea in a text by Mattia Torre. On the scene of an accident in a forgotten outskirt of Rome, the two men involved will have to wait quite a while before any help arrives... Directed by Valerio Mastrandrea.
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Gualdo Tadino (PG) - On March 6th at 9pm in Gualdo there will be a performance of Ascanio Celestini's show that takes a less than optimistic look at Italy's progress since its unification: Pro Patria. Senza prigioni, senza processi.
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Perugia (PG) - From March 6th to 17th the Scuola Nazionale Canyoning will be conducting a first level rafting course in collaboration with Club Alpinismo Italiano.
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Spello (PG) - On March 7th at 9.15pm the Teatro Subasio will be running Portrait Series - ritratti di danza, a Déjà Donné production in collaboration with Fontemaggiore. Directed and choreographed by Simone Sandroni.
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Gubbio (PG) - The traditional "Segamo la Vecchia" ceremony in Gubbio, in which at the close of Lent a cake in the form of an old hag is cut up to symbolise the end of the fasting period, will take place in Piazza Oderisi on March 7th at 5pm.
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Assisi (PG) - On March 7th at 9.15pm the Teatro Lyrick will be running A qualcuno piace carta, by Ennio Marchetto and Sosthen Hennekam.
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Spello (PG) - On March 8th at 9.15pm the Teatro Subasio will be hosting the Art Niveau company in its production of Io, lei, l’altra, staged specially for Ladies Day. Free admission. Written by and starring Caterina Fiocchetti, Roberta Marcaccioli and Giulia Zeetti. Based on three characters created by Eve Ensler...
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