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Saturday 27 July 2024
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January 2013

Perugia (PG) - On January 27th and 29th, from 9.30am to 3.30pm there will be games and fun laid on for little ones at the Pro Loco of San Sisto.
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Spello (PG) - On January 27th at 9.15pm the Teatro Subasio will be running Ragazzini, written by and starring Stella Piccioni. Piccioni has taken sections of works by Calvino, Elsa Morante and Brecht and weaved them together into a plot that lays bare the tragedy of children in wartime.
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Foligno (PG) - This year's edition of the immensely popular Sant'Eraclio Carnival procession, with its parade of allegorical floats, will take place on January 27th, February 3rd and 10th.
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Guardea (TR) - Now in its 14th edition, the Carnival of Guardea will feature a procession of allegorical floats and a host of other cultural and amusing initiatives. On three weekends running beginning on January 27th.
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Acquasparta (TR) - The twentieth edition of the popular Carnival parade of Acquasparta will take place on January 27th and February 10th, with floats created around the three central themes chosen for this year: the Smurfs, Alvin Super Star and Banana Republic.
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Perugia (PG) - The traditional celebrations to honour the Feast of St Costanzo, the martyr considered by many sources to be the first Bishop of Perugia, will take place on January 29th in Borgo XX Giugno, with a number of events organised by COSAP '99 around the parish church of San Costanzo.
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Magione (PG) - On January 30th at 9pm the Teatro Mengoni will be running Ben Hur: una storia di ordinaria periferia, an original take on the issue of immigration...
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Gualdo Tadino (PG) - On January 31st at 9pm the Teatro Don Bosco will be running Don Giovanni, adapted into Italian from the original Don Juan by Molière. Starring Filippo Dini, Alberto Giusta, Massimo Brizi, Alessia Giuliani, Alex Sassatelli, Mariella Speranza. Directed by Antonio Zavatteri.
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Perugia (PG) - Following their extraordinary success last year, France Théâtre has resumed its touring season this year with its latest production, Kabaret, which will be running at the Teatro Golf Hotel Quattrotorrri in Via Corcianese on February 1st at 10.30am.
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Terni (TR) - On February 2nd CAOS will be running 3 Famiglie: Sei come sei, Il volto di Orange, Uomo nella neve, adapted into Italian from the original text by Israel Horovitz. Starring Claudio Bellanti, Fausto Cabra and Valentina Bartolo. The idiosyncratic relationships of three, normal families portrayed in three one-acters...
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