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Saturday 27 July 2024
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September 2012

Perugia (PG) - The Monti del Tezio association has scheduled its Festival del Camminare event from September 7th to 9th, to increase awareness on the benefits - and enjoyment - of walking. Consult the association website for details.
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Perugia (PG) - On September 7th at 9pm the Royal Philharmonic conducted by Charles Dutoit will be performing in the Teatro Morlacchi. The programme will feature compositions by Mozart and Tchaikovsky.
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Umbertide (PG) - From September 7th to 9th Umbertide will be holding its annual Fiere di Settembre autumn fairs event.
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Perugia (PG) - On September 8th and 9th the Frontone gardens will be the venue for City Vintage, with stands selling all kinds of vintage wares including clothes, accessories, books, records and even vintage cars and motorbikes.
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Assisi (PG) - On September 8th and 9th the Sala Pinacoteca in Piazza del Comune will be the venue for two days of coffee tastings, which will run from 10.30 to 11.30am, from 12.30 to 1.30pm, from 4 to 5pm and from 6 to 7pm.
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Art and Antiques Market in Orvieto Orvieto (TR) - The monthly edition of Orvieto's Arte e Antiquariato antiques fair will run on September 8th and 9th at Palazzo dei Sette and in Piazza Mazzini.
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Castiglione del Lago (PG) - On September 8th from 8am to 1pm the Castiglione del Lago Produce market will run in the old town centre, with food stands selling all kinds of locally grown fruit and vegetables.
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Gubbio (PG) - On September 8th from 3 to 7pm there will be a national Ducati motorbike meet in Piazza 40 Martiri.
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Perugia (PG) - The I Solisti di Perugia will be performing in the Teatro Morlacchi on September 8th at 5pm. The programme will feature compositions by J. S. Bach.
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Gubbio (PG) - From September 8th to 30th the gardens of Palazzo Ranghiasci will be hosting a solo show of works by Nani Marcucci Pinoli entitled "Novità Sorpresa Ammirazione Delitto". Barrister, artist and hotel manager, eclectic Alessandro Ferruccio Marcucci Pinoli di Valfesina has published extensively and held a number of solo shows.
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