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Saturday 27 July 2024
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September 2012

Perugia (PG) - From September 7th to 16th the various geographical areas and towns of Umbria will have delegations in San Sisto for this year's edition of the Rassegna delle Sagre showcase of typical local produce.
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Perugia (PG) - From September 7th to 16th Ponte Valleceppi will be holding its Sapori Perugini festival devoted to the typical and traditional tastes and cooking of the Perugia area. At the Parco Comunale. Food stands, dancing and amusements scheduled nightly.
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Castiglione del Lago (PG) - From September 7th to 9th the sports pitches of Vitellino will be the venue for this year's Madonna del Vitellino festa, with dancing and food stands every night.
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Perugia (PG) - From September 7th to 9th Palazzo della Penna will be running the "Un calice per Alviero a Seattle" exhibition of ceramics. Free admission.
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Perugia (PG) - From August 10th to September 9th there will be weekly representations of various episodes in the La Guerra del Sale itinerant historical play based on events that actually took place in the sixteenth century in the Rocca Paolina. Advance booking required.
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Norcia (PG) - From September 7th to 9th Piazza San Benedetto will be thundering to the sound of the many Porsche Cayenne gathering here for the national Porsche Cayenne meet.
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Perugia (PG) - The Convivio con l'Arte series of meetings with prominent figures in the art world continues on September 7th in the Residence Domus Volumnia, Via Assisana 49, with painter Fausto Minestrini.
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Spello (PG) - On September 7th at 5.30pm the Belvedere dell'Orologio of Villa Fidelia will be the venue for a presentation of Poesia Immigrate, as part of the second edition of the Cesvol literary prize.
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Todi (PG) - Originally scheduled to take place from June 7th to 10th, the UmbriaMusicFest 2012 international piano and chamber music competition will in fact run in Todi from September 27th to 30th.
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Piegaro (PG) - On September 7th at 4pm the Museo del Vetro will be running a creative and colourful workshop devoted to little ones interested in exploring the magical world of mosaic, painting on glass, glass jewellery, embroidery with glass beads and stained glass windows.
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