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Saturday 27 July 2024
Italiano English


July 2011

Guineafowl Festival in Attigliano Attigliano (TR) - Attigliano (Tr). From July 1st to 3rd Attigliano will be holding a culinary festival devoted to guineafowl.
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Terni (TR) - Terni. From July 1st to 14th there will be a densely packed programme of masterclasses and concerts in Piediluco, for and by young instrumentalists. All concerts will take place in the Santuario di San Francesco.
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Perugia (PG) - Ponte Valleceppi (Pg). From July 1st to 10th Ponte Valleceppi will be holding its Festa dello Sport, combining sporting events with culinary treats...
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Perugia (PG) - Collestrada (Pg). This year's edition of the Collestrada village fete will run from July 1st to 10th.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. On July 1st artist Massimo Diosono will be present at the vernissage of his exhibition in Via Assisana 49.
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Perugia (PG) - Capanne (Pg). From July 1st to 10th Capanne will be holding this year's edition of its popular Granocchia festival, offering visitors and locals alike a chance to savour frog's legs cooked in the traditional Umbrian manner.
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Perugia (PG) - Sant'Erminio (Pg). From July 1st to 10th the village of Sant'Erminio, near Perugia, will be holding its annual village fete.
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Parrano (TR) - Parrano (Tr). The first edition of the Parrano Meet the World festival will be dedicated to the Caribbean and Cuba, from their music to their culinary traditions and more... In July at the Parco Termale Fosso del Bagno.
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Orvieto (TR) - Sugano (Tr). From July 1st to 3rd and from the 8th to the 10th Sugano will be holding the 17th edition of its gnocchi festival, with food stands serving all kinds of different varieties of gnocchi both at lunch and dinner, followed in the evenings by live music and dancing.
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Fossato di Vico (PG) - Fossato di Vico (Pg). From August 1st to 31st visitors to Umbria can book themselves on one of the treks into the magnificent natural surroundings of Monte Cucco, which all leave from La Valcella on the eastern side of the mountain.
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