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Saturday 27 July 2024
Italiano English


January 2011

Perugia (PG) - Perugia. On January 29th and 30th the Piccolo Teatro San Martino will be hosting the Artemio Givagnoni company in their production of the comedy La Gattamorta, drawn from A. Novelli's L'acqua cheta. Adapted into Perugian dialect and directe by Gianfranco Zampetti.
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Perugia (PG) - A show of paintings reproducing some of the best known masterpieces of the Renaissance will run at the Cerp-Rocca Paolina until February 27th, with the title "Arte allo specchio".
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. Now in its second edition, the popular Stradario (in) Perugino published by the Accademia del Dónca and written in vernacular by Sandro Allegrini offers an illustrated and amusing other take on the familiar old streets of Perugia...
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Bevagna (PG) - Bevagna (Pg). Now in its 13th edition, the In Chartis Mevaniae exhibition at the Museo Civico of Bevagna will once more offer creations by contemporary artists inspired by or using the traditionally manufactured paper made in Bevagna. Until January 30th.

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Spoleto (PG) - Spoleto (Pg). The exhibtion "Leoncillo: materia e forma & Leoncillo privato" will run at the Leoncillo Leonardi art institute of Spoleto from December 22nd to January 31st, illustrating diverse aspects of this renowned local artist who died in 1968 but who nonetheless exerted considerable influence over his students in a number of fields ranging from art photography to jewellery design and set design.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. From January 7th to 31st Palazzo Sorbello will be running a show focussing on the Risorgimento, with original documents, letters, books, prints, photographs, medals, periodicals and other memorabilia gathered together from the institutions's own collections and archives.
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Terni (TR) - Terni. The CarsulaEventi calendar of free admission events organised for visitors to the vascinating archaeological ruins of the Roman city of Carsulae will run until April this year. Consult the detailed programme in Italian below...
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Montefalco (PG) - Montefalco (Pg). Organised by the Società Sistema Museo in the wake of the extraordinary success of last year's edition, the Pianeta Fantasia series of creative workshops for children aged between 5 and 10 will run once more in the Complesso Museale di San Francesco of Montefalco. See below for the full calendar in Italian...
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Gubbio (PG) - Gubbio (Pg). From January 1st to December 31st the studio home of ceramic artist Aldo Ajò in Via della Cattedrale 20 is open to the public by appointment.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia (Pg). Professional dancer Eleonora Inés will be holding authentic Buenos Aires tango classes in Perugia up until January 31st every Wednesday.
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