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Saturday 27 July 2024
Italiano English


July 2010

Sigillo (PG) - Sigillo (Pg). The Comune di Sigillo has scheduled a guitar recital featuring Carlos Bonelli for 9.15pm on July 29th, in the San Giuseppe conference centre.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. On July 29th in the Cathedral of San Lorenzo there will be the official festivities associated with the Holy Ring of the Virgin.
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Suckling Pig, Beans and Cotiche Festival in Monte S. M. Tiberina Monte Santa Maria Tiberina (PG) - Monte Santa Maria in Tiberina (PG). From June 29th to August 8th the magnificent Medieval hamlet of Monte Santa Maria Tiberina will be devoting four whole days to the delights of its local produce, particularly roast suckling pig accompanied by beans flavoured by cotiche. Shows, music and dancing will be livening up the evenings.
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Assisi (PG) - Assisi, loc. Palazzo (Pg). From July 29th to August 1st Palazzo di Assisi will once more be hosting its Cambio Festival, combining the most innovative and avant-garde musical experimentations with the traditions of Umbria. Organised by the Ponte Levatoio cultural association, this year's edition of the festival promieses a densely packed calendar of concerts and performers from all over the world and from all cultures.
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Campus delle Arti 2010 in San Gemini San Gemini (TR) -   San Gemini (Tr). This year’s edition of the San Gamini Campus delle Arti, which will run from July 30th to August 8th, will once more be offering young ones the chance to go on holiday accompanied by their instrument, with the aim of studying and making music all together.
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Avigliano Umbro (TR) - Avigliano Umbro (Tr). From July 30th to August 15th Avigliano Umbro will be holding this year's edition of its Agosto Aviglianese programme of cultural events, which includes the popular Manfricolo festival.
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Preparing for the World Hang-Gliding Championships in Monte Cucco Sigillo (PG) - Sigillo (PG). From July 30th to August 8th there will be the preparatory competitions for the world hang-gliding championships in the Parco del Monte Cucco.
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Marsciano (PG) - Marsciano (Pg). This year's edition of the Musica per i Borghi Festival of ethnic and popular music will end with a bang in Piazza Karl Marx on July 30th, with the Vessicchio orchestra accompanying the children who took part in the “Io canto” young talent show programme on television and guest stars Alessandra Amoroso, Valerio Scanu and Enrico Ruggeri.
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Roast Goose Festival in Bettona Bettona (PG) - Bettona (Pg). From July 30th to August 8th Bettona will be holding its annual festival devoted to roast goose, a virtually forgotten dish that belongs to the local tradition of celebrating the year's harvest with a convivial meal. Every night there will be traditional peasant food for all. Info: 075.812534 / 8138680.
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Faroald II and the Longobards in the Valnerina Ferentillo (TR) - Ferentillo (Tr). From July 31st to August 1st in Macenano, at the ancient Abbey of San Pietro in Valle, the Valnerina Longobarda series of historicl re-enactments will be bringing back to life the origin's of the abbey's founding in the early Middle Ages by the Longobard Dukes of Spoleto.
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