Terni (TR) - Romo in Luo language, spoken by a tribe of western Kenya, means "meeting" in which case the meeting of two brilliant artists. Anuang'a, African choreographer and dancer, combining the traditional with the contemporary movement, creates stunning performance and Ayub Ogada, author and composer of international renown, in this show express the emotions that arise from their common roots in Kenyan an extraordinary affinity spirit and feeling. The show will be at Secci 7 and February 8, 2014.
Accompanying them on the scene Nyatiti, eight-stringed instrument that reveals all its harmony in the capable hands of Ayub and, thanks to the deep timbre of his voice, expressing intimate emotions. The space is occupied by the dance of Anuang'a materializzandolo that enhances the rocking motion from the earth becomes a real flow of creativity
and starring Fernando Anuang'a & Ayub Ogada
choreography and dance Fernando Anuang'a
singing and Nyatiti Ayub Ogada
backup vocal and guitar Isaac Gem
lights and sound Patricia Bonzi
Alan Donovan concept
production creation Arts & Production
in collaboration with Just in Time