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February 2014

Magione (PG) - The Confraternity of Mercy Mansion is organizing a first aid course for businesses and would-be volunteers in the month of February at its headquarters in Via D. Alighieri, 38. In the first level course addressing technical rescue, transport techniques, techniques of resuscitation (BLS), etc.. The course, which is conducted at least once a year, is organized by the doctors responsible for the association with the help of other medical specialists. At the end of the course an examination is ...
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Porano (TR) - Napolitudine stage sabto February 1, at 21, at the Teatro Santa Cristina. Scarlett Coast with his Trio: The popular jazz singer who last year offered to the public a tribute to Brazil, this year will be produced, with the help of accordionist Sandro Paradisi in a recital devoted entirely to classic Neapolitan song and copyright . Info: c / o Municipality of Tel 0763.374753 Porano (9.00/12.00 hours from Mon. Fri.) Email: teatrosantacristina@live.it
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Perugia (PG) - From March to June 2014 will take place on the Advanced Course on Ice Mountain (AG1) organized and curated by the School Intersectional Umbra G. Vagniluca, with lectures and practical classes in the Apennines and the Mont Blanc. PLEASE NOTE: Applications should be sent only in the period February 1 - February 28, 2014, by filling out a form available on the website of the School www.scuolavagniluca.it.
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Perugia (PG) - And 'now an eagerly awaited one with the children's theater in Perugia. Also this year the best year Italian companies take turns on stage at the Teatro Brecht of Perugia with shows for children aged 3 to 10 years. Here are the events of February. Sunday, February 2, 2014 at 17 BLUE TREE - Fontemaggiore History all in one breath Age 4-10 years Here he tells the story of Narco, very valiant knight, feared and appreciated, if it were not for his A ... more? A ... stuzia? A UTHORITY ...
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Perugia (PG) - Domenica2 Piazza Piccinino in February, from 7.00 to 20.00, round with "Umbria TERRA VIVA". Show monthly market of organic and natural products, handicrafts and eco-friendly. Initiative by the Umbria Terra Viva (075.393097 - 327 4727756)
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Spoleto (PG) - "Sunday Field of Dreams" reached the fifth season was created to promote the love of theater among the younger generation. On February 2, the Teatro Stabile of Innovation presents "The aggiustaorsetti," loosely based on "The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz." Free admission for young people under 18 years old, 6 Euros for adults. With your subscription you can watch all six shows at a cost of 30 Euros. Theatre Ticket San Nicolò open from 15 pm on the day of the show. ...
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Perugia (PG) - Sunday, February 2, 2014 17:30 stage the show "The Three Little Pigs" in the second edition of Season of Theatre for Children "FAIRY TALES THE SUNDAY" at the new THEATRE OF FIGURE PERUGIA Via del Castellano (Corso Cavour behind San Domenico). The municipal facility opened last year, is a beautiful work of urban regeneration that has given way to create a center of culture for kids that includes more than 98 seats in the theater, the museum of puppets and Mirabassi of the ...
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Corciano (PG) - Sunday 2 Febbario at the Teatro Cucinelli SOLOMEO, staged "The Bald Soprano" a tribute to Massimo Castri, reference figure of the theater of war, who died recently. In his latest show, the director tackles for the first time Eugène Ionesco. The protagonists are two anonymous British couples - the Smiths and the Martins - represented as archetypes of the bourgeoisie; speak but not communicate, merely an exchange of banal phrases and conventional, do not think because they have lost ...
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Foligno (PG) - Sunday, February 2, 2014 at 17 Compgnia the THEATRE OF THE DRAGON has red braids, inspired by Pippi Longstocking. Age 3-10 years "When I was little I had a love and my love was a little girl with pigtails and freckles ... and when she dreamed of being watched all the time I remained speechless ..." A funny girl is going to go to bed: sleeps with her feet on the pillow. His dreams take shape transforming reality into a world where children decide for themselves and the rules are ...
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Terni (TR) - The Fondazione Aida staged Hansel and Gretel for an audience of children aged 5 to 10 years old Sunday, February 2, 2014 at the Teatro Secci. Entertainment inspired by the images and text by Beni Montresor. "We thought the dream dimension, very present in this story, it could be our interpretation. All the staging therefore aimed to enhance the sharp colors and images very simple, linear and cut as in the book by Beni Montresor, and set to accompany the narration of the two actresses. The ...
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