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Saturday 27 July 2024
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January 2013

Cascia (PG) - On January 19th and 20th Cascia will be keeping its ancient and popular local traditions alive with its Festa delle Tradizioni Rurali della Montagna. See below for full details of the programme in Italian...
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Trevi (PG) - On January 19th at 9.15pm the Teatro Clitunno will be hosting the Scimone Sframeli company in its production of Spiro Scimone's La Festa. Starring Francesco Sframeli, Spiro Scimone and Gianluca Cesale. Directed by Gianfelice Imparato. A claustrophobic tale of a family of three - father, mother and son - incarcerated within the everyday rituals of convenience...
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Perugia (PG) - From January 19th to February 17th the CERP of the Rocca Paolina will be running the show of works by Natino Chirico entitled "L'immagine del cuore. Opere 1972-2012". Curated by Giorgia Simoncelli.
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Perugia (PG) - The Sunday afternoon workshops for children organised by the POST science museum continue on January 20th with Labo Birba and Labo Einstein.
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Foligno (PG) - On January 20th at 5pm the Auditorium San Domenico will be hosting the I Teatrini company in their production of Nella cenere, liberally drawn from the well-known story of Cinderella. Suitable for 5-10 year olds.
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Magione (PG) - On February 9th and 24th at 3pm the Museo della Pesca del Lago Trasimeno will be holding its Pescagiocando learning workshops for children, introducing them to a broad range of fields from Carnival masks to mosaic.
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Assisi (PG) - On January 20th the traditional Piatto di Sant'Antonio religious event held around the feast of St Anthony will take place in Santa Maria degli Angeli. See below for full details of the day's programme in Italian...
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Marsciano (PG) - On January 20th the Museo Dinamico del Laterizio e delle Terracotte will be holding one of its creative workshops for children, with Ilaal Marcacci from the Sistema Museo conducting "Kamishibai e filastrocche". Suitable for 6-10 year olds.
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Perugia (PG) - On January 20th at 5.30pm the Trottamundo Caffè in Via della Stella will be hosting a presentation for the book by Pino Finocchiaro entitled La Mafia Grigia. La cupola dei colletti bianchi, published by Internazionali Riuniti.
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Perugia (PG) - On January 20th Tieffeu will be in via del Castellano 2/A with their production of La bella addormentata. Suitable for 3-10 year olds.
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