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Saturday 27 July 2024
Italiano English


March 2012

Narni (TR) - The "La Nevicata del 2012" competition, open to all ages with submissions of photographs, poems and songs, will focus on the exceptional snowfall that took place in Narni this February. No admission charge.
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San Gemini (TR) - Open to whoever feels like surprising their friends with a proper Easter Day lunch this year, the ALMA cookery school of San Gemini will be running a cookery course conducted by Lorena Autori. Participants will be housed in a historic building in the old town centre of this Medieval town.
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Spello (PG) - The first edition of the Spello Festival del Cinema will run at Villa Fidelia from March 1st to 3rd.
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Foligno (PG) - From March to July the Scuola Intersezionale Umbra di Alpinismo “Giulio Vagniluca” will be offering all Club Alpino Italiano members a series of beginners courses for mountain climbing. The first lesson will take place on March 16th at 9pm at the Foligno branch of CAI headquarters and will be followed by more practical lessons in the Appennines and on the Gran Sasso in April and May, culminating in expeditions to the Alps in June and July. Anyone interested in attending should ...
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Corciano (PG) - On March 1st the Teatro Cucinelli will be hosting talented actor Peppino Mazzotta in a fascinating adaptation of the Orestea - the only surviving tragic trilogy from Ancient Greece - set during the Trojan War.
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Marsciano (PG) - On March 1st the Teatro della Concordia will be running Io, lei, l'altra, which draws its inspiration from various characters conceived by Eve Ensler in her Vagina Monologues. Written and starring Caterina Fiocchetti, Roberta Marcaccioli, Giulia Zeetti.
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Perugia (PG) - Curated by Alberto Mori, the exhibition of photographs documenting life in Perugia from 1944 to 1970 and entitled “La memoria nei cassetti - Perugia 1944/1970” will run from November 27th to March 4th at Palazzo della Penna.
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Perugia (PG) - On March 1st Cesare Basile will be performing live in Via degli Scortici 4a.
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Perugia (PG) - From March 1st to April 14th the Paolo Maffei astronomy association will be holding a series of introductory evenings at the POST science museum with the aim of offering those who are new to the field a better understanding of the heavens.
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Trevi (PG) - On March 2nd at 9.15pm the Teatro Clitunno will be hosting Laura Curino and Tangram Teatro in their preduction of Ho visto Nina volare, a journey through the significant influences of the celebrated Italian songwriter Fabrizio De André.
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