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Saturday 27 July 2024
Italiano English


February 2012

Perugia (PG) - The guided tours of the ancient Church of San Bevignate will continue throughout the month of February, on the 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th.
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Applied and Environmental Geology Congress in Perugia Perugia (PG) - The Associazione Italiana di Geologia Applicata e Ambientale (A.I.G.A.) will be holding its fourth congress on February 6th and 7th at the engineering faculty of the University of Perugia. See below for full details in Italian...
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Panicale (PG) - As part of a series of initiatives organised by the Comuni of Panicale and Piegaro in collaboration with Sistema Museo, with the aim of promoting the shared town library of Tavernelle, the second edition of the "Fuori e dentro di me" literary prize will be awarded to a narrative in Italian. The submission deadline is March 16th.
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Perugia (PG) - Throughout the month of February it will be possible to book guided tours of the Church of the Gesù on Mondays and Wednesdays, and on Sunday afternoons. The church dates back to 1562 when Cardinal Fulvio della Corgna, then Bishop of Perugia, commissioned the Jesuit architect Giovanni Tristano to design a monastic complex for the newly founded Compagnia del Gesù.
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Deruta (PG) - Registrations are now open for the Raku Nudo ceramic art course that will be conducted by David Roberts from April 23rd to 27th. Registrations will remain open up until March 20th.
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Perugia (PG) - The Accademia del Donca has scheduled another of its lectures on Perugia's culture and identity for February 6th at 5pm in the Teatro Morlacchi, when Mara Moriconi, Sabrina Cittadini and Wladimiro Boccali will be talking on "Monteluce: ieri oggi e domani". Free admission.
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Assisi (PG) - On February 6th and 7th at 9.15pm the Teatro Lyrick will be hosting the Tap Dogs Dance Company in their production of the tip-tap dance Tap Dogs.
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Montefalco (PG) - The Benozzo Café in Montefalco continues its Parete dei Giovani series of exhibitions that aim to promote young and emerging talent with a show devoted to Emanuele Mariani that will run from February 7th to March 31st.
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Trevi (PG) - On February 7th at 10am the Teatro Clitunno will be running Il ponte di pietra e la pelle d'immagini. The world of grown ups seen through the innocent and untarnished gaze of Mung and Momo...
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Perugia (PG) - On February 7th the Sala Europea of Villa Umbra will be hosting the conference entitled "L’imposta municipale propria sperimentale e le altre novità in ambito di tributi locali", aimed primarily at administrators working in the public sector. See below for details in Italian...
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