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Saturday 27 July 2024
Italiano English


December 2011

Porano (TR) - Open to anyone, the hand crafted Nativity Crib of Porano will be throwing open its doors to the general public on Christmas Day, with the winning entry allocated a €300 prize. Anyone wishing to take part in the competition should access the website for regulations: http://www.comune.porano.tr.it/it/.
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Panicale (PG) - From October 27th to December 31st the Museo del Tulle will be running the Pinocchi e Balocchi exhibition of antique editions of the world famous tale of Pinocchio by Collodi.
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Todi (PG) - The various scenes of the Nativity Crib of the Amore Misericordioso sanctuary of Collevalenza will be open to the public from December 1st to 31st. Various artists from across Europe completed the figures that make up the Crib, whose overall design was planned by Madre Speranza.
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Foligno (PG) - The exhibition entitled "Cut:Books", from a project by Luca Cingolani and Sabrina Montosi, will run at the Gaja Restaurant from December 1st to January 31st.
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Montecchio (TR) - From December 2nd to 4th in Piazza Garibaldi there will be the 36th edition of the Montecchio olive oil fair, with cellars in the centre of town offering bruschetta served with the year's freshly pressed extra virgin plus concerts and entertainment every night.
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Castiglione del Lago (PG) - From December 2nd to 22nd Palazzo della Corgna will be running a solo show of paintings by landscape painter Perseo Santiccioli, with the title Lago Visioni.
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Perugia (PG) - On December 2nd at 8.30pm the Hotel La Meridiana in Via del Discobolo 42 will be hosting the 2011 edition of the Cena di Fuoco dinner, organised by the Umbrian delegation of ANAG (Associazione Nazionale Assaggiatori Grappa e Acquavite – anagumbria@alice.it). As always, the chef's creations will have been designed to heighten combinations with given wines and grappas. See below for details of the programme in Italian...
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Amelia (TR) - The Nativity Crib made by Spanish artist Juan Maria Oliva will once more be on public display at the Convent of SS Annunziata in Montenero from December 2nd to 31st.
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Perugia (PG) - From December 2nd to 4th the Centro Espositivo Rocca Paolina will be hosting three days devoted to the food and produce of Calabria, offering visitors a chance to buy all kinds of delicacies ranging from salames to rice, jams, cheeses, honey, typical pastries, chocolate, liquorice, bread, fruit and all the many mouthwatering specialities from this bountiful southern Italian region.
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Orvieto (TR) - The exhibition entitled "RISORGIMENTO- Protagonisti ed antagonisti", featuring period photographs from the collection of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Spoleto, will run from December 2nd to January 8th. Free admission.
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