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Saturday 27 July 2024
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June 2011

Castiglione del Lago (PG) - Piana (Pg). Quality food, good eating and good company guaranteed for the Piana Mangiar Bene festival, scheduled to run this year from June 9th to 13th with food stands and shows every evening from 8pm.
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Assisi (PG) - Petrignano (Pg). From June 9th to 19th Petrignano di Assisi will be holdint the 16th edition of its festival devoted to beer and Bavarian-style pork chops.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. The 9th edition of the Festa di Ingegneria will take place in Perugia on June 9th. See below for details of the full programme in Italian...
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Massa Martana (PG) - Massa Martana (Pg). The Scuola Umbra del Presepe Artistico school of papier maché Nativity Crib-making will be running a new course on how to make papier maché figures from June 9th to July 31st.
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Città di Castello (PG) - Trestina (Pg). From June 9th to 12th Trestina, a village near Città di Castello, will be holding its "Io Amo Trestina" event devoted to typical fiorentina steak, truffles and tastings of quality local wines, besides entertainment ranging from sporting events to music and shows.
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Avigliano Umbro (TR) - Sismano (Tr). From June 9th to 19th Sismano will be throbbing with this year's edition of its cherry festival, which besides plenty of stands offering the prized local cherries will feature also strappatelle - a particular kind of local home made pasta.
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San Giustino (PG) - Lama (Pg). From June 9th to 12th Lama will be holding a festival devoted to gota, a particular kind of guanciale pork cheek that is cured and smoked and which is generally used as one of the ingredients in Spaghetti alla Carbonara.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. Nautilus Estate has scheduled a series of drama labs open to children, youngsters and adults and focussing on a number of different aspects of acting. The courses will begin on June 14th and 17th and will run on a weekly basis.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. The Porta Santa Susanna association calendar of meetings and conferences continues on June 10th at 9pm with "Intervista sul Giallo". Speaker: Michael Gregorio in collaboration with the Banana Republic association. Free admission.
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Città della Pieve (PG) - Città della Pieve (Pg). From June 10th to August 21st the Museo Civico Diocesano in Santa Maria dei Servi will be running a show of works by Violette Banks.
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