To the Fosso della Contea
Todi (PG) -
Todi (Pg). On May 29th a walk to the Fosso della Contea will leave the parking lot of Piazzale degli Atti – Porta Fratta at 9am, with guide Valerio Chiaraluce.
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Todi (PG) -
Todi (Pg). On May 29th a walk to the Fosso della Contea will leave the parking lot of Piazzale degli Atti – Porta Fratta at 9am, with guide Valerio Chiaraluce.
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Foligno (PG) -
Fiamenga (Pg). Now in its 37th edition, the Filecto running trophy over a distance of 12.5 kilometres will be disputed on May 29th and has been organised by the A.S.D. Podistica Winner.
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Giove (TR) -
Giove (Tr). On May 30th at 9pm the Biblioteca Comunale Luidi Salvatorelli will be hosting a presentation of the book Ho attraversato il mare a piedi (il vero amore di Anita Garibaldi) by Loredana Frescura, which sheds new light on the legendary Risorgimento figure of Anita Garibaldi.
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Penna in Teverina (TR) -
Penna in Teverina (Tr). On May 30th at 4.30pm the town hall of Penna in Teverina will be hosting an afternoon of absurd texts and songs entitled "Volendo si può anche ridere".
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Perugia (PG) -
Perugia. On May 30th at 4pm the Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria will be hosting the conference entitled "
La chiesa di Santa Elisabetta alla Conca: la decontestualizzazione della decorazione parietale". Speaker: V. Garibaldi.
Free admission.
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Terni (TR) -
Terni. The prize-giving ceremony for the "Vite parallele: personaggi a confronto" competition open to 1st and 2nd grade secondary schoolchildren will take place on May 30th at the literary café of the Terni town library, 5pm.
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Perugia (PG) -
Perugia. Until December the Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria has scheduled late night openings with free entrance tickets and live music every last Tuesday of the month from 8 to 11pm.
The next event is scheduled to take place on May 31st.
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Perugia (PG) -
Perugia. On May 31st at 9pm the “Non solo Danza” dance school will be holding its end of year performance at the Teatro Morlacchi, offering an evening of promising young dancers performing in a variety of genres from classical to contemporary.
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Terni (TR) -
Terni. On May 31st at 5pm the literary café of the Biblioteca Comunale di Terni has scheduled an encounter with Moreno Emili, who recently made his literary debut with La donna senza volto.
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Assisi (PG) -
Assisi (Pg). The TS agency specialised in the organisation of events has scheduled a basic cookery course for half a day open to anyone interested in garnering the basiscs of cooking in a full immersion lesson with a qualified teacher. On June 30th.
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