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February 2011

Assisi (PG) - Assisi (Pg). Every Saturday at 9pm the Auditorium San Gregorio will be running the exhibition and performance entitled I fioretti di San Francesco, played entirely with puppets and lasting around one hour. Schools and groups may book a performance also at other times.  
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Assisi (PG) - Assisi (Pg). The newly opened Museo della Schola in Castelnuovo traces a comprehensive history of elementary level schooling in Umbria over the past century. Open every day from 10am to 1pm and from 3 to 6pm.
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Bastia Umbra (PG) - Bastia Umbra (Pg). Until May the Centro Sociale di Costano will be holding weekly drama labs on Tuesdays at 5.30pm, as part of the Libera Università graduate course curriculum.
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Terni (TR) - Terni. From February 1st to May 27th the Terni Accademia Belle Arti will be opening up its art labs after work for a series of afternoon and evening painting classes.
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Corciano (PG) - Corciano (Pg). Throughout the month of February the Comune di Corciano has scheduled Arte a Bottega, a series of art labs aimed at children aged between 8 and 13, and intended to be both instructive and fun.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. As part of this year's edition of the Fantacity Festival, primary schoolchildren are welcome to take part in the competition entitled “L'insolito caso del Cerchio e dei Nani da giardino”, in which they will be asked to continue the preface of the second Mukka Emma book published in the competition section of last year's festival and visible at www.fantacityfestival.eu. The deadline for submissions has been fixed at March 26th.
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Assisi (PG) - Assisi (Pg). On February 1st at 9.30pm the Piccolo Teatro degli Instabili will be running L'amante, with Elena Bucci and Marco Sgrosso.
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Terni (TR) - Terni. From February 1st to April 12th the Palazzo Primavera auditorium will be hosting a series of weekly lessons on issues regarding human rights conducted by Professor Marcello Ricci. The lessons are open to anyone interested, free of charge, and take place every Tuesday from 3.15 to 5pm.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. Throughout the month of February the Hotel Giò Jazz will be running a show of rare and original instruments from the private collection of Roberto
 Parenti, owner of the Museo del Disco d’epoca and the Museo di Arte Povera of Sogliano al Rubicone. Adults and children alike are welcome to explore the hotel's lobby, where the exhibition itinerary will guide visitors through this quirky collection of vintage music, instruments and films... Hotel Giò Jazz, Via R. ...
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Bastia Umbra (PG) - Bastia Umbra (Pg). On February 2nd at 9pm the Teatro Esperia will be hosting the popular television comical quartet I Turbolenti.
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