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Saturday 27 July 2024
Italiano English


October 2010

Orvieto (TR) - Orvieto (Tr). From October 9th to 18th the Palazzo dei Sette will be running the photographic exhibition entitled "Images Tell the World - Today’s China", with images by members of the China Photographers Association taken of the various UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the country.
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Stroncone (TR) - Stroncone (Tr). On October 10th Aguzzo will be celebrating the Madonna of the Rosary with food stands, a market and various other events.
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Città di Castello (PG) - Città di Castello (PG). On Ocrtober 10th the Motoclub E. Baglioni has organised the Italian Major Enduro championships, with departure tipe and place yet to be confirmed.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia (PG). The last in a series of five Sunday jaunts out of Perugia to admire the hidden wonders of five neighbouring villages (Mugnano, Montepetriolo, San Martino dei Colli, Poggio delle Corti, Fontignano) and taste their typical local cuisine will be on October 10th with Fontignano. Departure is at 10am from Piazzale del Bove, to be back by around 6.30pm.
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Arrone (TR) - Arrone (Tr). The 5th edition of the mountain bike tour along the old railway course that stretched from Spoleto to Norcia will be disputed on October 10th and is valid as the final race for the national mountain bike circuit on disused railway tracks.
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Perugia (PG) - Perugia. The fourth in a series of five Sunday jaunts out of Perugia to admire the hidden wonders of five neighbouring villages (Mugnano, Montepetriolo, San Martino dei Colli, Poggio delle Corti, Fontignano) and taste their typical local cuisine will be on October 10th with Mugnano. Departure is at 10am from Piazzale del Bove, to be back by around 6.30pm.
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Assisi (PG) - Assisi (Pg). The monthly antiques market of Santa Maria degli Angeli will take place on October 10th in loc. Santa Maria degli Angeli - Piazza della Porziuncola.
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Ugo di San Vittore Historical Conference in Todi Todi (PG) - Todi (Pg). From October 10th to 12th the CISAM-Accademia Tudertina di Todi has scheduled the 47th edition of its international history conference, which this year will have as its theme Ugo di San Vittore. At Pallazzo Ciuffelli.
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Todi (PG) - Todi (Pg). The Aquile del Tevere biker's club of Todi has scheduled a meet for old and vintage motorbikes and sidecars - from before 1980 - for October 10th, for a day in the Umbrian hills enjoying the countryside and savouring the year's fresh new wine and chestnuts. See below for details of the programme in Italian...
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Fontemaggiore Drama Courses Start Perugia (PG) - Perugia. The Nautilus drama school of Fontemaggiore is back with its courses aimed at all those who want to explore the fabulous world of theatre in greater depth, with actors and directors coaching students in all aspects of technique, from stage presence to improvisation and elocution. All courses are held in the Fontemaggiore rehearsal room in Perugia, at Sant'Andrea delle Fratte, and will begin from October 4th.
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