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Saturday 27 April 2024
Italiano English


A prince

Narni (TR) - February 27, Thursday, at 21, at the Teatro Manini A Prince, freely inspired by William Shakespeare's Hamlet. "We chose to develop a dramaturgy that it emphasizes the fall of a Shakespearean work state, the rot of society, greed and loss responsibility. Yes, because if a classic must serve some purpose, in our opinion today should be read and told, highlighting the relationship it has with the society in which it is represented. There's something rotten in Denmark, there is something rotten in Italy, there is something rotten in this society. Men forget, too busy to do their own path, their vices, their desires, their priorities. Forget and one was rotting. Everything is drifting, it is madness. Each of us is a prince, surrounded by puppets, manipulated by the system and struggling with his conscience. Each of us is called to responsibility. To be or not to be. That's it. "Massimiliano Burini

with Daniel Aureli, Amedeo Carlo Capitanelli, Catherine bows, Andriy Maslonkin, Greta Oldoni, Samuel Solomon, Matthew Svolacchia
written and directed Massimiliano Burini
costumes Francesco Marchetti "Sketch"
realization costumes Elsa Carlani Cashmere
- See more at: http://www.teatrostabile.umbria.it/spettacoli/un-principe # sthash.QY1qk3xH.dpuf

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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