Todi (PG) - Saturday, February 1 at the Teatro Comunale di Todi, The Elephant Man on stage. The Elephant Man is not only a masterpiece of cinematography signed by David Lynch. It is above all a perfect story, the story of a young surgeon, Frederick Treves, who saved the Elephant Man, aka Joseph Merrick, from the tortures of the freak show of the late nineteenth-century London.
At a time like the present in which the aesthetics of the body, "beauty at all cost", have become a cause perpetual and obsessive, not without dramatic consequences on the scene to bring a story of friendship between a brilliant and ambitious surgeon and "a monster apparent," but able to give others a universe of poetry and beauty, it means subverting the system empty appearances of fake perfection, obscene ostentation artificial to which we are now addicted. The story of Joseph Merrick is basically the story of our hypocrisy, our proverbial refusal to accept "different from us" of our stubborn impotence to "go beyond" the body, to lock us into a useless as reassuring as the cult of Beauty approved.
Giancarlo Marinelli
based on the story of Frederick Treves
Ivana Monti, Daniele Liotti, Rosario Coppolino
with the participant. Debora Caprioglio
Cavatorta and Andrea, Francesco Cordella, Serena Marinelli, Simon Vaio
director Giancarlo Marinelli
scenes Andrea Bianchi / Forlani
costumes M. Crisolini Malatesta
lighting designer Daniele Davino
the elephant man mask is made by Sergio boots
a production company Molière
under the auspices of the Veneto Region