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Wednesday 08 May 2024
Italiano English



Marsciano (PG) - The association of social promotion Makeba and the Bank of Marsciano time, under the patronage of the Municipality of Marsciano and collaboration of Riciclamiche of Perugia, organized the "BarattoMundo", the first barter market in the historic center of Marsciano which will take place on Saturday 17th May from 15.00 to 20.00 in Largo Garibaldi.

The initiative is promoted by Makeba and the Bank of Marsciano time, under the patronage of the Municipality of Marsciano and collaboration Cesvol. Participation is open to all and is free of charge.
The mode of operation of the exchange provide for the delivery of the items to a representative of the Association Makeba, who will assess the suitability and value of the exchange. There are many types of objects that can be exchanged. These are books, CDs, magazines, clothes, shoes, accessories, bags, toys, kitchen items, etc.. What matters is that the items are clean, in good condition, functioning and legal origin. Of course it is not allowed the use of money and are not allowed bulky objects, animals and food.

For any further information you can contact the Association Makeba and the Time Bank to the following contacts: associazionemakeba@gmail.com - bdtmarsciano@gmail.com

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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