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Saturday 27 July 2024
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Tai Chi Day

Perugia (PG) - Saturday 27 and Sunday, April 28 at the Green area of Pian Massiano, from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 15.00 to 19.00, with the appointment TAI CHI DAY - Perugia for the second time joins the other city in the world all live together the benefits of this ancient Chinese martial art.

Free participation open to all ages. Tai chi is a Chinese martial art very old, ancient, come down to us. And 'harmony of gestures fluids, slow, broad that teaches you to recognize and improve potenzialitàò Qi, that vital energy that characterizes living beings. Is based on the channel the energy in his fist through exercises that promote circulation of the vital flow.

Movements slow and harmonious combine the techniques of defense and attack. yielding the positive effects of abdominal breathing is circulated by stimulating the vital energy concentration. You are not using the energy of the muscles but the one coming from inside released during the 'activities.

The result is a feeling of wellbeing and relaxation, you stimolala circulation, regulates the function of internal organs, reduces stress and releases tension. Tai chi helps develop breathing slow and controlled, great for those who, in the hustle and bustle of the city, tends to breathe hastily and so unruly. Co tai chi you get used to oxygenate also the lower part of the lungs that is usually not involved in what we focus on the upper part of the lungs.

Tai chi breathing happens with fully performing as a sort of massage the internal organs while you practice. In the inspiratory phase pushes the diaphragm downwards so that the abdomen swells and expands, cell exhalation phase, however, the diaphragm rises and the abdomen contracts spontaneously. Info: 340 3874479 - 347 7706474 - www.ilkungfu.org


[Source: Umbria OnLine]


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