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Saturday 27 July 2024
Italiano English


Festival of children's and young people SEE BEYOND

Narni (TR) -

An innovative event entirely dedicated to books, to invite children, even toddlers, and kids to explore and imagine the world.

From Friday 7 to Sunday, June 9 will be held in the old town of Narni the first edition of "Seeing Beyond", the Book Festival for Art for Children organized by the Cultural Arts Multi Vision with support from the City of Narni and collaboration Society Museum System. This is not a book fair in general, but a festival focused on books, picture books, tactile books, art books, books to become creative and learn to grasp the sense of wonder behind the apparent banality of everyday life, "Law ing" beyond appearances.

"Our project - said the organizers - is to create an area where there are the books, boys, and you cross the imaginary with the compass of the pleasure of wonder."


Three days to discover books to art, to live their own "small inner theater" during the workshops, go for a walk in exhibitions and installations and meet artists, authors, publishers who bring into play, with extraordinary creativity, their passion for books . With Alessandro Sanna, who recently published "Hand happy", children from 6 years old to interpret and will draw the four elements; Mauro Bellei, author of the very original "Garden in bloom", will involve them in creating compositions in the wake of the painter Arcimboldo while Dario Moretti invites children from 4 years to explore the sense of rhythm, movement and painting.


In the former church of San Domenico will be attended by major Italian publishers with books that stimulate the intelligence and artistic sensibility of the boys (including Artebambini, Topipittori, Ear Unripe, Babalibri, Donzelli, hippocampus, Sandwiches, Fatatrac, etc.). Among the stand kids and adults will discover the latest industry news in the company of the publishers, to share his passion.


A bookshop International will present visitors with a wide range of books French and Anglo-Saxon, as well as books Chinese, Indian, Spanish and Mexican and will host an exhibition of Sen Woo, Korean author, who is going to Seoul from Narni to find out his first book for boys, "Red Muffler", noted among the most interesting new books for the last Fair of Bologna Children.


Thanks to the show "Walking with the fingers", held in the apse of the former church, young and old can experience the exciting opportunity to experience the relationship with the tactility in the arts and participate in workshops on the topic of tactile book. A Palazzo Eroli, however, the installation-game "The 5 Seasons" will welcome children from 0 to 6 years in a poetic to fondle and browse books-objects, lying or sitting on cushions in the shape of petals or drops, to dream the fifth season.


For teachers, parents and all those who care about the relationship between the boys, books and art, the scheduled meetings will be opportunities to reflect and feed the experience of professionals in the field of education, publishing and creativity.

For the full program visit the blog www.festivalvedereoltre.blogspot.com

For more information: 0744 717117 Museum System (10.30-13/15.30-18 time, closed Mondays)



Project: Arts Multi Vision

Sponsors: City of Narni

Concept and organization: Catherine Girault and Gisella Persius

Organizational Consulting: Silvia Dionisi

Front office: Museum System

For information: System Museum 0744 717117 (open 10.30-13 / 15.30-18, closed Mondays)

Press Office: Sistema Museo tel. 334.1046655 - ufficiostampa@sistemamuseo.it

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Phone: 0744717117
Email: narnisistemamuseo.it
Website: www.festivalvedereoltre.blogspot.com

[Source: Umbria OnLine]


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