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Saturday 27 July 2024
Italiano English


Zaff! Days of the aphrodisiac

Città della Pieve (PG) - From June 7 to 9 returns to the event "Zaff! The days of the aphrodisiac ", interweaving the lure of the city with cultural and artistic perfumes, flavors and sensory pathways of creativity.

In the heart of the acropolis, the medieval fortress in Corgna Palace, the City Council in collaboration with artists, associations and businesses, confirms the identity of the event which revolves around the promotion of the prince of the event: saffron from Città della Pieve , precious spice that has a very old tradition here.

La Rocca, Via Vittorio Veneto and Corgna Palace are the places central to "enjoy" the city with all the senses. The medieval fortress houses the alchemy of sensory pathways; along Via Veneto, the exhibition market of various products ranging from chocolate to coffee, herbal teas to natural perfumers; Palazzo della Corgna art installations on the main floor and in the cloisters on the ground floor, from Friday to Sunday presentation and tasting of aphrodisiacs: main ingredient, of course, saffron. Every day, from Friday 7 to Sunday, June 9, passion and taste are the protagonists through concerts, art workshops and creative cuisine, wine tasting tours.

Info: promopieve@cittadellapieve.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com / IGiorniDellAfrodisiaco

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[Source: Umbria OnLine]

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